Thursday, July 17, 2008

Santa Fe Chamber Music 1998; Spanish Village by William Lumpkins,27 in. x 21 in.

  • Artist: William Lumpkins
  • Title: Santa Fe Chamber Music 1998; Spanish Village
  • Frame: None
  • Image Dimensions: 23.5 in. W x 15.31 in. H

Visit our ArtSelect storefront for a wide variety of top quality framed art prints, canvas, mirrors and more.

Everyone is a a Star at a High School Musical Dance Party! With the 3rd installment of the HSM series coming late in summer 2008 this event is sure to be a huge hit! Invitations: Purchase the matching theme invitations or make your own tickets or backstage passes by visiting and choosing the template for "concert tickets." Its totally free and super easy! Fill out what you want the ticket or pass to say, download, save and then print out as many copies as you need. Simple! I created a pretend invite on the right hand side so you can see what they look like.

There are several shapes, colours and designs to choose from. Use phrases like "Backstage Access'',"VIP Only" and "Admit One." The tickets would look great on card stock and the passes would look great on regular paper, laminated and hole punched with a lanyard or string attached. The kids can wear them to the party! Decorations: Create a scene right out of a High School Dance. Use plenty of red & white balloons and streamers. Try to get yourself a disco ball and some strobe lights to really set the mood for dancing! Using the name of each and every guest, make large yellow or foil stars with their name written in it. Take those stars and make a wall of fame by mixing the "guest stars" in with pictures and posters of the actors and actresses from the High School Musical movies. Hang stars, Cd's, records, pom poms, garland and pennants from the ceiling with fishing wire. Don't forget to pull out your Christmas lights and hang them all over your walls. Wouldn't it be amazing to have a DJ - O.k, that's a bit much but make sure you have good stereo on hand with a huge selection of HSM music and popular top 40 cd's. Activities: A dance lesson would be great.

Call you local Dance Studio and see if they have a student that would be willing to come the party and teach a short routine from the movie. Games: "Name That Tune" - Play short clips from the soundtrack and popular top 40 songs. Have the guest try to name the tune and if they can, they get 1 token. If they can sing the next line they will win an additional token. I will explain the tokens in a bit so stay with me. "Who said It" - Before the party, write down several lines from the movie and the character that said it. On separate slips of paper, write 1 line only (not who said it) and place in a hat or basket. Take turns by passing the hat around and having each guest choose a piece of paper and reading the quote out loud. They then have a chance to guess. If they are correct they win a token. "Hoop Toss" - The HSM kids love their East High Wildcats Basketball Team so be sure to add a b-ball activity. Why not set up a hoop toss. You can use an indoor ball and net or make your own with a wastebasket and any ball you have on hand. Every player gets 10 shots and 1 token is awarded for every basket made. The kids will really want to know what these tokens are for by now! To start the dancing portion, play a few rounds of dance freeze and have some spot dances. "Dance Freeze" is when you abruptly stop the music and the dancers must immediately freeze in whatever posoitiion they are in. If they can hold their position they are awarded 1 token. "Spot" dances is simply when you choose a certain spot in the room and whoever is closest to that spot at the end of the song wins - 1 token. Make sure you keep a running list of all the tokens awarded.

Start off each child with 10 tokens and add on from there. The Menu: A cafeteria line of course! Borrow some plastic trays from your local fast food joint and let the kids line up single file and choose their meal. Have individual servings of hamburgers & hot dogs wrapped in foil, mini pizzas, fries in baskets, salads in cups and a selection of sodas, juice boxes and milks in those small containers. Make a "Cafeteria" sign and provide the lunch lady with a hairnet! Finally we get to the tokens! Switch out the "Cafeteria" sign for an "HSM Concession Stand" sign. During the last half hour of the party set up your concession stand. The Concession stand should consist of items that you would put in their loot bags like bags of chips, candies, chocolate bars, pop, cookies & gum, tattoos, glow sticks, hackey sacks, microphones, key chains, pencils, erasers, costume jewelry and licensed HSM favors. The key is to have a wide assortment of different items as all kids will not choose the same things. In this situation it would be safer to over buy and then return items if you do not use them. Give each child their allotted tokens and a paper lunch bag or a licensed HSM loot bag to fill.

The tokens can be bingo markers, play coins, paper tickets, pennies or buttons for that matter! Have a token board with the items listed for sale and their cost in tokens for the kids to see. The more costly the item, the more tokens they cost. For example, an eraser is 1 token, a pack of bubblegum is 2 tokens and a microphone is 3 tokens. To be fair, have them line up by the amount of the tokens they won - for example the lowest to highest. Have each child in turn buy 1 item and then return to the back of the line. Keep going until all the tokens have run out. This takes a bit of planning but provides a very exciting element to the party! The kids take home things they actually want and will use - not just forget about and throw away! - purchase party supplies in Canada - more great party planning ideas!

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30 Exitos Insuperables

Customer Review: Excellent album
I think this is a great starter album for those who may not have heard Paloma San Basilio. She has a wonderful voice, and can sing anything from dance to sultry formats.

When should the male dancer begin to lead his partner into her six-count or eight-count footwork once the swing music begins? The answer is that he should begin leading her on any of the song's downbeats; that is, on the "1" count, the "3" count, the "5" count or the "7" count. These "base beats" are the backbone or pulse of a song! You don't need to be a trained musician to understand a song's tempo (or timing), just listen to music and pick out the rhythm section (drums, bass, guitar or piano).

To take the pulse of the song and determine its number of beats per minute (bpm), count these downbeats for fifteen seconds and then multiply by four. Very slow swing songs have around 70 bpm and very fast ones have upwards of 200 bpm. The swing songs that I personally enjoy dancing to the most, average about 125 bpm which coincidently approximates my optimum cardio-training heart rate when I exercise. Notice that these downbeats differ from the upbeats that occur on the "2" count, the "4" count, the "6" count or the "8" count. In St. Louis Imperial Swing, we begin stepping immediately on any of the music's downbeats; however, this is not true of all styles of dance. In the Cha-Cha, for instance, dancers begin stepping after any of the music's upbeats.

Beats per minute became common terminology in popular music during the disco era because of its usefulness to DJs; and it remains important in dance music today because both our style of dance and our footwork rhythms are determined by the tempo of the music! The original or classic style of Imperial Swing, which is danced "in the round," is performed to music with a faster tempo (130-185 bpm) using primarily the slower single step and double step footwork rhythms. Today's contemporary style of Imperial Swing, which is danced within a slot, is a combination of both East Coast Swing (135-175 bpm) and West Coast Swing (75-115 bpm). Dancers perform this popular, "slot-bop" hybrid to music with a slower tempo (100-135 bpm), and they use primarily the faster, triple step footwork rhythms. Remember, the terms are music timing (or tempo) and footwork rhythms (or steps) but not vice versa!

The "time signatures" of different music styles tell dancers how many beats there are to a measure, and which note represents that beat. Swing music uses 4/4 timing; that is, there are 4 beats to a measure (4/4) and the quarter note gets the beat (4/4). For example, on the 1 and 2 count of your six-count, triple step footwork, the "1" is an eighth note (or a half-beat) and the "and of 1" is an eighth note (or a half-beat). Together they add up to a quarter note or 1 beat; and the "2" count is a quarter note or 1 beat. On the 3 and 4 count, the "3" is an eighth note (or a half-beat), and the "and of 3" is an eighth note (or a half-beat). Together they add up to a quarter note or 1 beat; and the "4" count is a quarter note or 1 beat. These 2 beats bring the cumulative total up to 4 beats or one measure.

Finally, on the 5 - 6 breakstep, the "5" count is a quarter note (or 1 beat) and the "6" count is a quarter note (or 1 beat). These final two 2 counts bring the total up to six beats or one and a half measures. To summarize this footwork count, dancers take eight steps in six beats of the music. Good dancers let the music tell them what to do with their feet. If they begin their footwork on any of the song's downbeats, and then end it on the sixth (or eighth) beat, then they are dancing in time with the music and finishing their steps when they are supposed to. As Skippy Blair, the renowned swing dance teacher, author and recipient of the California Swing Dance Hall of Fame Award, tells her students: "please don't tell me how long to hold the beat; just tell me what the count is, so I can place my feet!

Copyright 2008 Skip Culver, Certified Swing Instructor. Member of the West County Swing Dance Club and author of the manual: Imperial Swing Dancing (visit:

Henry H. "Skip" Culver, Jr. is a member of the West County Swing Dance Club in St. Louis Missouri. He is a Gold Seal Instrument Flight Instructor and the author of the bestselling book on navigation titled: IFR 'Pocket Simulator' Procedures. In 2000 Skip turned his attention from aviation towards the dance floor. He became a Certified Swing Dance Instructor in 2004, and then with over seven years of detailed notes from various classes and workshops in hand, he began assembling the Imperial Swing Dancing manual which he published in June of 2007. Skip is a frequent contributor of articles on swing dancing to different club newsletters throughout the United States.

latin music artists


Getting to Know Panama

The word Panama means abundance of fish and butterflies. In addition to the variety of wildlife, one will also discover in Panama an abundance of great opportunities to live, retire or invest.

The population of Panama is approximately 3.2 million and its territory approximately 29,157-square miles. Panama possesses a democratic government and, consistent with the governance model for democratic states, is divided into three branches: legislative, judicial and executive, commonly referred to as separation of power. Panamas economy is very stable in part due to the circulating currency, which is the United States dollar. Furthermore, Panama possesses a first-rate banking system.

Panama is a great place to live and retire and is considered one of the most secure capital cities in the region, practically free from natural disasters. Its tropical climate has two seasons, the rainy and dry seasons. The entire year is usually like spring, with average temperatures ranging from 70F to 90F in the city.

Urban or Rural Retirement

Where to people want to retire? Some retirees may imagine their retirement in the country with a temperate mountain climate among vegetation, fresh breeze, beautiful rivers and a variety of flora and fauna. Others may want to spend their retirement lying on a white sand beach shaded by a palm tree from the vibrant sun, taking an occasional dip in the crystalline waters. Another option for retirees is to live in a high-energy city full of 5-star restaurants, casinos and commercial centers. Panama offers all of these options to the retiree. In Panama, the best of various worlds is concentrated in a warm, friendly country, perfect for retirement.

Quality of Life for the Retiree

The cost of living in Panama is moderate, and much less than in the United Status. Baby boomers can retire comfortably with a modest budget. Housing, public services, gasoline and other general expenses are accessible.

Many are surprised by the infrastructure in Panama City, as was George Bush on his official visit in 2005, commenting that he had not expected to find a modern city. Panama possesses the tallest buildings in Latin America, according the Web site Furthermore, from Tocumen International Airport in Panama City, flights leave everyday to important international destinations. In addition to a modern airport, Panamas highway systems and ports are well structured.

In terms of services, Panama has achieved impressive developments in communications, such as cellular phone coverage, various long-distance providers, broadband Internet and satellite and cable television.

Panama possesses excellent medical facilities and, like all professionals in the field, adheres to high quality standards.

Legal Incentives for Retirees

The local laws offer multiple benefits for foreigners, both retirees and investors. Some of the incentives include:

No taxes on income generated outside of Panama.

Discounts for retirees on medicine, medical attention, restaurants, movie tickets, public services, airline tickets and accommodations, among others.

Exoneration of taxes for a term of 10 to 20 years for the purchase of undeveloped real estate, depending on its value.

Panama welcomes retirees with open arms

A survey by the Panamanian Institute of Toursim (IPAT) revealed that the thing that tourists and foreigners residing in Panama liked most about Panama is the people. Panamanians warmth, friendliness and hospitality have won a place in the hearts of those who visit, with many choosing to stay.

But, there are not words to describe all that Panama has to offer. Come check it out for yourself!

Watch IPTV about Panama

Mona Sutherland is one of the content editors for latin America real estate tv

latin music com

" Coldplay " : Play-along Chord Songbook

There is some debate about the exact origins of salsa dance, but one thing is certain -- it first began as a dance form during the 1940s in New York City. According to which source you read, salsa dance was created by either Puerto Rican or Cuban immigrants at that time. The truth is probably lies in the middle somewhere, but there's one thing that no one questions: if you haven't learned to salsa dance yet, you're missing out on a lot of excitement!

Salsa has always been popular since it first began, but with the popularity of TV shows like 'Dancing With The Stars', the popularity of salsa dance is at an all-time high. It's also coincided with the rising popularity of Latin music in general over the past ten years, and so today the salsa dance craze is at a fever pitch. Now you can find a salsa nightclub in every major city in the U.S., so if you've ever wanted to learn salsa there's never been a better time.

If you've never danced salsa before, it can look like a very intimidating dance for the beginner. But with patience and the right instruction, it's very easy! Like any dance, it's simply a matter of learning the basic dance steps and then building on them by adding some personal styling as you become more adept.

There are many ways you can learn salsa, and there isn't any one way that works for everyone. If you're brave enough you can just start going to Latin nightclubs and get out on the dance floor, and try to copy what the more experienced dancers are doing. But for most people, it helps to learn at least some of the basics before trying out your moves on a public dance floor. There are two main ways that people learn to salsa dance: either with salsa lessons in a class setting, or through salsa dance videos.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods of learning salsa, and the best choice just depends on your personal learning style and the flexibility of your schedule. Learning with a salsa video is certainly convenient, and if you have a tight schedule it may be your only option. But if you can fit salsa lessons into your schedule, you'll also have the added advantage of a great opportunity to meet new friends with a common interest - and maybe even find a new few friends to go Latin nightclubbing with!

Whichever method you choose, if you want to learn salsa just get out there and DO it. You'll get a fantastic workout, and it's also one of the easiest ways possible to add some excitement to your life!

Deborah Avery is an Internet marketer who just happens to have a passion for Latin music and salsa dancing.

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Coldplay (Group, B&W, Original) Music Poster Print - 24" X 36"

This poster is 24 inches by 36 inches approximately and is in mint condition.

It was the spring of 1997 and I was a sophomore in high school. I was in Austin, Texas, with about 25 other classmates from my high school. We traveled down to Austin to watch other schools, large and small, participate in the state one-act play contest. We wanted to soak up everything we could about state-quality plays after losing disappointedly in the competition circuit a few months before. Can you imagine being the theater instructor or one of the parents chaperoning such an event? With male and female high schoolers ranging in age of 15 - 18 with varying maturity levels and hormones ranging, I did not envy them. Needless to say, it was an interesting road trip.

Our theater instructor Ms. Murphy had to drive one of those school provided white utility vans hauling her share of the kids for five hours south on I-35 and around town while another parent did the same. We were "her kids" since she never had any of her own. We loved playing tricks and mind games with her, almost as much as she liked playing them on us. Every year her house was toilet papered and forked - not because we didn't like her. We loved her. That's why we didn't throw eggs.

I was riding with the group driven by one of the parents which ended up being a wild ride. We hit a couple of curbs, got lost, drove half way across Travis County the wrong way, and, I found out after the fact, almost ran out of gas! We ended up getting stopped for a taillight out, but since it was a school sponsored trip, the officer let her off with a warning and she did not have to take a defensive driving course in Austin, although she might have needed it.

After all that, we finally made it to the hotel where more hijacks insured. The next day we went and watched lots of plays. Some good, some bad, some outright confusing (all plays had to be cut from the original length to 40 minutes, most were originally 1
to 2). The road trip down there was not the highlight of the trip, nor were the plays, but I will tell you what was the most interesting part.

The next day the plays did not start until afternoon, so we piled in the white utility vans again and went to the local mall and Central Market. We were moving through the store as a group when someone pointed out to one of us with a camera that Harry Connick Jr. and Sandra Bullock were in the store and she should try to take their picture. We did just that. Harry looked like he had just gotten up from bed with some peacock hair, but he was very pleasant and congenial. Sandra looked a little peeved in the picture. She was probably on her lunch break from being on the set of Hope Floats (Fox 1998) being filmed at the time.

I don't remember any of the plays that year, but I do remember the trip down there and meeting these two actors at the height of their careers. Maybe it was a sign, or a stroke of good luck, or the just the fact that we made down there alive, but we did make to state the next year, not as audience members, but as participants.

Neil Lemons represents Comedy Defensive Driving, a state approved Texas defensive driving online course. Since 1989 Comedy Defensive Driving has helped dismiss traffic tickets and lower insurance rates. Learn about their Austin Defensive Driving course, or any other Texas city by visiting their website:

top dance music

Coldplay - X and Y

Note-for-note transcriptions with tab for all 13 songs from the 2005 release by these British rockers: Fix You * The Hardest Part * Low * A Message * Speed of Sound * Square One * Swallowed in the Sea * Talk * Til Kingdom Come * Twisted Logic * What If * White Shadows * XandY.
Customer Review: No Regrets
A lot easier than going and finding it in the store and in the same great condition. I was very pleased and completely satisfied with my order. Amazon ftw!
Customer Review: Missing TABs?
Am I crazy or is the book I received today completely missing the electric guitar's TAB for "Swallow the Sea?" It's clearly on the album, but the only TAB I see for it in this book is for the acoustic guitar that plays throughout. That second part is nowhere to be found! I have contacted Hal Leonard about this, but not heard back. What is going on here?! Aside from this obvious blunder, this is a great purchase...but it's incomplete!

Starting your score can be very challenging, and will require a lot of concentration and patience. You must decide on the proper mood, tone, and which instruments you are going to use. Whether you're using classical instruments or programming the music on a computer, the sound of each instrument will adversely affect the tone of the piece.

Plan ahead by watching as many of the scenes as you can (if not the whole film) and figure out how many different emotions you will have to convey with your music. The director or music supervisor should also help you when deciding this. With each different emotion or different scene, you may have to compose a whole new piece of music.

Creating the Mood

The most important thing to remember about composing a score for a film is that the music must be able to help provoke an emotional response from the viewers. Your music must coalesce with the footage to create a visual/aural masterpiece.

There are thousands of films that wouldn't have been what they were without the music that they had. It's been said that Star Wars looked terrible and was almost laughable before the music of John Williams was added. A film composer must be able to compose music that not only fits well with the video, but also provokes the viewer to feel strong emotions without knowing why. Your music must become part of the movie, and move with each scene to allow the viewers to get absorbed.

Tact and taste are very important here. Doing too much or too little is a very real possibility and is something that is very easy to fall into. Creating the perfect score is not an easy task, and not something that everyone can do.

Creating a Theme

Many composers employ themes into their music that are repeated throughout the film in various forms. Themes are what make music memorable, as they are repeated often and will stick in the mind of the viewers (listeners). Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and Halloween are perfect examples of using a musical theme in a score. Watch any of those films and you will quickly recognize the theme in each composition.

If you strike gold with a great piano riff, or an emotional melody, try to find different ways of using it throughout your composition. It can be a highly useful tactic, but be sure not to overuse your theme, for it can become tired and ruin the emotional impact. Hold off in some sections and try creating a new melody with the same notes, or something that sounds vaguely similar. Creativity is key.

Using Effects

Using sound effects in your music or using things that aren't usually used as instruments can make for a very unique piece of music. Using such things as household objects as percussion instruments or odd loops can really spice up your music.

A great example of using sound effects in music is the Oscar winning film Atonement. Composer Dario Marianelli used the noise of a typewriter as a percussion instrument in his score and the result was breathtaking. Hearing the music in a movie theatre was a great experience.

Completing Your Score

If you take pride in your work and utilize great care while composing, you just might be able to create a great piece of music. If it fits well with the film, and provokes an emotional rush from viewers, you should celebrate and give yourself a pat on the back.

Composing music is a task that isn't right for everyone, and composing music for film is another thing altogether. You must use tact, creativity, passion, and good judgment to compose a great piece of music, and you will have to put your heart and soul into what you are creating.

Remember not to treat music as secondary to the visual aspect of the film. When done right, it can be just as important as the acting or the camera angles. Without great music there are no great films.

For more advice, go to:

latin music artists


When beginning your search for the ideal place to spend a weeklong vacation, consider the veritable wonderland of attractions and amusements that populate the state of Florida. With its warm weather and 1,100 miles of coastline, Florida is perfect for a fishing adventure, a relaxing week on the beach, or an action-packed family vacation. Make your way to Florida for your next trip and experience all the fun and excitement the Sunshine State has to offer.

On Floridas Panhandle, visitors will find cities such as Destin and Panama City that are a part of one of the most beautiful stretches of waterfront land found anywhere in the country. Perched along the Emerald Coast, the beaches here have sugar white sands that will roll over your feet as you stroll along the shore, soaking in the sight of emerald-green water. With such high-quality water at your disposal, you may find it difficult to pull yourself away from the numerous offshore activities that can easily fill the duration of trip, including snorkeling, scuba diving, canoeing, and kayaking.

If you are leaning towards an adventure on the Florida Gulf Coast, consider the Tampa Bay area for an always exciting excursion filled to the brim with diverse amusements. Although the beaches along Clearwater and St. Petersburg are an obvious way to fill your day, these areas are also teeming with natural beauty that is just begging to be explored. Here you will find underdeveloped barrier islands, nature parks, and botanical gardens so you can see a side of Florida that exists beyond the beaches all while getting a little exercise in, too.

As one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world, the Orlando/Disney area is a must-see for anyone with young children or anyone who cannot ignore the inner child inside of us all. With Walt Disney Worlds four parks, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney MGM Studios, and Animal Kingdom, located here, you could spend the duration of your trip navigating these distinct and highly-entertaining attractions. However, before you leave the Orlando area with your family, be sure to check out the other great amusements outside of Disney World, including SeaWorld, Universal Studios, and the water parks of Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon.

For those who prefer the Atlantic side of Florida, West Palm Beach is ideal for kicking back and enjoying amazingly scenic golf courses. The PGA National Golf Club has five championship courses that will challenge even the most experienced and well-rounded golfers with their astounding length and difficult hazards. With designs by Arnold Palmer and Tom Fazio, you can expect the gorgeous Florida landscape to be framed by stunning water hazards and lush green fairways.

When searching for a multitude of cultural attractions and a lively nightlife, Miami is the place to head for entertainment that certainly will not be forgotten. With a Hispanic background prevalent in the area, you can sample some of the diverse Spanish offerings at the Latin American Art Museum and Little Havana. And at night, you can find a wide selection of night clubs, ranging from blues to jazz to even rumba rap, that will meet your needs and leave you dancing in the streets as you make your way home.

The Florida Keys are the perfect getaway no matter what kind of attractions you are searching for. The Upper Keys are known for their excellent diving since the continents only living barrier reef is easily accessed from the east side and with Key Largo located here, you can find the typical tourist recreation to keep you occupied for the duration of your trip. Popular in the Upper Keys and Middle Keys, sportfishing is an excellent way to get out onto the water and try for a variety of fish such as tarpon, tuna, and sailfish. While the Lower Keys are known for being the quieter area of the Keys, you can easily head to the lower tip and experience the spontaneous parties and excitement of Key West.

No matter which part of Florida you decide to visit, your adventure can be filled with whatever kind of recreation interests and relaxes you. For the perfect cap on a promising trip, choose accommodations that make it easy to enjoy your Florida destination with all the gusto you can possibly imagine. Florida vacation rentals are located in the all the areas that matter most to you, so experience the convenience and comfort of home by staying in a home or condo rental that makes it easy to enjoy the beauty and attractions of this amazing state. has the most comprehensive selection of vacation rental homes on the Internet. For an alternative lodging option, consider Florida vacation rentals for your next trip.

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Double vinyl LP pressing of this release featuring rare and sought after remixes of classic Coldplay tracks, by Max Graham, Deep Dish, Junkie XL, Karl G, BT and Thin White Duke (Jaques Lu Cont). 10 tracks including mixes of 'Clocks', 'Fix You', 'Speed Of Sound' and others.

Anytime is the latest release from Pop Artist Brian Mcknight, and I can only think of one word to describe it AWESOME!

I wish it werent the case but, its not everyday that I get a CD from an artist that I can just pop in and comfortably listen to from beginning to end. There is usually a song or two that I just cant force myself to get through. Not at all the case with Anytime. Every track is enjoyable and was pretty easy for me to listen to from start to finish.

It's a rare day indeed that I get a CD from an artist that I can truthfully say does not have a bad track in the bunch. I'm more than happy to announce thats exactly what I must say about this one. There simply is NOT a bad one in the bunch. No fillers here at all, with each song standing tall on it's own.

Anytime has a nicely varied, mix of 12 tracks that are very well written songs by this clearly gifted artist. With many of the songs displaying a lot of the kind emotion that makes for a really great listen. Clearly drawing from what I can only imagine are him own personal experiences. At different points touching on the most real emotions like love, heartbreak, pain, failed relationships and unattainable romance. Theyre all here.

I give Anytime my highest recommendation. It just plain belongs in any serious music collectors collection regardless of genre preference.

While the entire album is outstanding some of my favorites are track 4 - Show Me The Way Back To Your Heart, track 5 - Everytime We Say Goodbye, and track 12 - When The Chariot Comes

My Bonus Pick, and the one that got Sore [ in "Stuck On REpeat"] is track - Anytime. Good stuff!

Anytime Release Notes:

Brian Mcknight originally released Anytime on September 23, 1997 on the Mercury label.

CD Track List Follows:

1. Anytime

2. Could

3. You Should Be Mine (Don't Waste Your Time) - (featuring Mase)

4. Show Me The Way Back To Your Heart

5. Everytime We Say Goodbye

6. You Got The Bomb

7. Hold Me

8. Only One For Me, The

9. Til I Get Over You

10. I Belong To You

11. Jam Knock

12. When The Chariot Comes

Edmonton Vancouver Car Dealers

latin music downloads

Coldplay 8X10 Framed And Matted Color Photo

This is a beautifully framed and matted 8x10 glossy photograph. Total size is approximately 12x15 inches. This framed and matted photograph will look wonderful in any room of your house. Ready to hang right when you take it out of the box!

Running is one of the best routes towards losing weight and increasing fitness, not only this but it is absolutely free requiring no monthly gym membership. However, if you choose to run to lose weight or increase fitness, and not for enjoyment then you run the risk of becoming bored. Here are some tips for making your jog/run more interesting and keeping you focused.

Warming up before you run prepares you body for the exercise ahead, thus keeping the fatigue away for longer and decreasing the chance of you giving up too early. Try to change your warm up routine on a weekly or two weekly basis. Further to this if you are new to running then start off slow, exhorting yourself in the first five minutes will tired you out and drain you for the remainder of the run.

Listen to music, it will not only prevent boredom is but it will divert your attention from the sensations of fatigue. Keep the music on your MP3 player up to date and create different playlists to suit your different moods. Studies suggest that music can be stimulating so turn on upbeat dance music and try to synchronize your steps with the beats of the music, build up a rhythm to the music. When using a music player I would suggest using a holder for it, such as the arm band holders on the market at the moment,

Where you jog also has a big impact on your interest levels; if you have been jogging the same route for the past two years then get a map, have a look at all the nearby parks, points of interest or training grounds in the near vicinity and try them all out. Not everyone is affected by their route, but having new surroundings and terrain to cover can often make a run more interesting, and challenging. Don't always opt for the easiest route either, choosing a route which covers stairs or a hills something that although tiring will be very rewarding once you have mastered it; think of the scene in Rocky with the stone steps.

Whilst out, it is a good idea, to not only break your run up a bit but to also increase your performance, to set yourself goals; even if it is to sprint as fast as possible to the next tree or to improve upon your normal time. This will not only make your run a bit more interesting, it can lead to you improving your overall performance. If you find yourself very tired during your run, try to focus on different points on the horizon, focus on reaching them, once you have stop for a 20 second breather and find another spot and repeat the process.

If you often cut your run short due to fatigue or plain laziness then get a friend to jog with you. Having a running partner sharing the same goal will keep you both motivated, having someone to speak to will also help to distract you from your tiredness.

Find a running mate then log onto for free and find others in your local area.

ballroom dance music

Coldplay - Color Stripe T-Shirt

Coldplay t-shirt with pictures of band members in a color stripe on the front.

Some of the most common events are Conventions, Festivals, Corporate Events, Event Seminars, Business Meetings, Fundraisers, and Charity Events. Whether you are a beginner or veteran events planner, you still need to start on the right foot. The event ideas we mention here are intended to help guide you to success. Although there are many ideas, we will stick to a few popular ones.

Business Meeting Ideas

Creating meetings around various themes helps to give participants a sense of direction. Since a business meeting is supposed to be more work than play, music may not be a good idea, but a short documentary could crystallize company focus.

Building Something Great Together - Makes everyone involved feel needed and a part of the company's future. It opens the floor for constructive input enhancing company goals.

Please the Customer - have participants focus on what makes the customer happy and how to improve in service with a smile.

We Shall Overcome - Encourages attendees to persist and reach for success despite perceived obstacles.

Be creative when kicking off meetings to motivate and inspire.

Dart Board - Start off the meeting by allowing some shots at a dart board. Best shot gets to start off the meeting, appoint the moderator, or make the first suggestion about the topic at hand.

New Vocabulary - Ask your group to bring seldom used or obscure words to the next meeting. Have them use it in a way that applies to your business.

"If I Ran the Show..." - This can provide some insight into feasible changes that can improve things in important areas. Ask your staff what they would consider the perfect job, location, and work environment. Now that you have them thinking without boundaries, ask them what project would they work on or what special thing would they do if they ran the company, office, or department.

Fund Raising Ideas

Consider the following suggestions:

BBQ's - Everyone loves a BBQ, they can be a fun way to rally support for your cause.

A Raffle - There are many fashionable products that would strongly attract customers.

Car Wash - When the price is right a car wash is a valued service that can easily raise funds.

Charity Event Ideas

Promoting awareness as much as possible is paramount to your charity event success.

Dinner - Awards are distributed to honorees that helped to achieve landmark milestones for the organization. Tickets can be sold commercially or through your network of friends and supporter. Invitees attend a dinner where presentations are made regarding the organization's accomplishments and goals.

Bake Sales - A prize is awarded to the baked item voted as first place, second place etc. by attendees. Every one of the organization's members and their families can participate in producing their favorite specialties and these can sold at a profit to the organization at the "bake-off event".

Auction - Many favorite goods or services can be auctioned off to raise money for your non-profit organization. Another approach is to involve local businesses to donate merchandise, time or even money to start your auction with a bang.

Corporate Event Ideas

There are some interesting twists to freshen up the atmosphere with entertainment. Motivation is very important in a corporate environment, so celebrating anniversaries and achievements will boost inspiration on all levels.

Comedians - Comedians use specific appropriate topics that help put the audience in the right mood.

Live music or Professional sound system - It is essential to select entertainment that is suitable for your guests and your business personality.

Magic Shows - Can be a pleasant introduction that provides a playful atmosphere.

Seminar Ideas

There are various styles in which a meeting can be conducted. Choosing the one that fits the current working climate can help propel everyone in the right direction.

Human Resource Seminars - Offer all sorts of employee performance training, management, and career development seminars. Help build up the proper work environment in your business or company by coaching, succession planning, key employee identification, and organization development.

Sales Training Seminars - Can assist your sales force to hone their salesmanship abilities and educate them about new software or tools to become more adept in their sales role.

Management Seminars - Refine leadership qualities and exercise management abilities to help your executives and managers increase their performance.

Festival Ideas

These are entertainment-only functions, and can be geared to provide fun for families and groups of all kinds. Themes can be tailored to make any social event exciting and interesting.

Fun Foods - Pizza, Popcorn, Potato Chips, Snow Cones, Cotton Candy, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, French Fries, etc.

Prize-Winning Games - Ring the Coke Bottle, Basketball shots, Shoot down cans w/water gun, Gaming wheels, etc.

Ride Rentals - Large and small Bounce houses, Choo-Choo Train, Ferris wheels, Roller coasters, Spin rides.

Convention Ideas

Conventions bring vendors and customers together in an open forum where contacts are made, new products are introduced, big ideas are discussed and new sales leads are developed.

Entertainment - Sound systems playing appropriate music, Live musicians or even stage performers.

Promotional Products - Key Chains, Picture Frames, Award Gifts, Bags, Pens with logo, etc.

Exhibition Tools - All shapes and sizes of displays are used to share space and provide maximum visibility.

Conference Ideas

A conference can be quite intense and needs slackening of tension at regular intervals.

Participants meet in order to discuss, consult, or exchange information about related fields.

Give Prizes - Prizes should be awarded to the people who have done something that helped the conference to be a success, whether something funny, silly or just plain helpful. If your conference is small, contributions to success can be rewarded after the conference.

Reception - Should have pleasing interior decoration, door prizes or gifts, etc.

Stand Up/Stretch Breaks - Play some music, have someone lead the break showing everyone how to twist, do aerobics, dance, or just a good march in place. Keep people energized and attentive. Have breaks between speakers.

Keep Up the Momentum - If you put on a grand finale it will make a lasting impression and may influence your participants decision to come to your next conference.

Plan surprises for attendees at least on par with your welcoming reception. Don't let the conference lose color towards the finish - even if the staff has to fake it, keep things going. Have entertainment and 'walk out' music. Organizers should be present at the door to thank the participants.

Everything you need to know about Event Planning and Management, including ideas for marketing your events, can be found at: Event Planning

Get all of your logo-imprinted merchandise for promoting and marketing your event at: Promotional Products

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Despite what many people think, dancing on television is not new at all. The history of dance shows on networks is surprising to many, but dance programming has been around since the beginning of television. There is no doubt the recent network dance shows have brought back the desire to dance. After all, dance is, indeed, all the rage these days. Check almost any television network and you will find a dance show. With so many shows hitting the major networks, there is a renewed interest in dance, especially among teens. Many teens both experienced and not, are watching the shows for the latest moves and the latest dance fashion.

Dance programs are becoming a hit more and more everyday, and the audience is growing hot for it everyday. Such shows as Dancing with the Stars are taking dance enthusiast by storm. Turning on and dancing in step with their favorite program is what millions of viewers are doing each night. So much, that there has been four new dance programs slated for upcoming shows. Why is dance television engaging both and young? Mostly, people watch to see what the latest moves are, while others are watching to see what the latest fashion their favorite dancer is wearing. Some teens are watching the shows and running out to their favorite dance studio and asking to be taught similar moves and the fashionist are running out to a dancewear boutique and buying similar dancewear.

But, dance themed shows are nothing new. They've been around for quite some time. Such shows as The Arthur Murray Show aired in the 50's and were hosted by the famous Arthur and Kathryn Murray themselves. Yes, the same people who have chains of Murray Dance Studios you see across the United States. The 1960 brought great shows such as the Groovy Show and Hollywood A Go Go. But it was Soul Train, which aired in 1970, which brought tight dance grooves into the American home. People, both black and white would tune in not only for the music, but to catch a glimpse of new and innovative dance grooves. Soul Train was pivotal in launching the resurgence of people's interest in dancing and dance fashion. It was a way the TV audience to dial into current dance and trends in fashion. The 80's and 90's brought about shows such as Club MTV, VH1 Dance Machine, and the influential Dance Party USA on the USA network. The shows were very popular among the Generation X crowd leading the way for the current offering on networks now.

There will always be dance shows on television. Dance and the music that drives it, changes with each newer generation adding new spice and flavor to what is possible on the dance floor or in the studio, even if you are luck, on a prime time slot. And as with previous generations there is a rabid following of their favorite dance show. Current dance shows are no different and it explains why the networks are jumping over each other to get to the next best dance show.

Dance Auditions and Dance Intensive

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Rosetta Stone V3: Spanish (Latin America), Level 3

Why is Rosetta Stone the world's No. 1 language-learning software? Because it works.

Escape the endless tedium of translation, memorization, and grammar drills. Get the language you want, the skills you need and the success you deserve by learning a new language naturally--the same way you learned your first language.

The complete immersion environment puts your native language-learning skills to work, eliminating your dependence on tedious translation and rote memorization.

Images Intuition

In Rosetta Stone you learn the meaning of new language from clear, real-life images.

In this activity you learn colors.

You advance using language you've learned and clues from new images. That's your intuition at work.

Now that you know colors, you can easily grasp the meaning of the new words...

Interactivity Instruction

Throughout Rosetta Stone, you constantly interact with the program to confirm your intuition.

...and then check what you've learned.

From beginning to end you build systematically toward your language-learning goals, for the most effective and enjoyable instruction anywhere.

And finally, you get the fun of trying your new language in a real-life simulation. Speech recognition shows you exactly how you're doing.

You learned your first language without translation.
You learned your first language easily and naturally by connecting words to objects and events around you. With Rosetta Stone, learn a new language the same way: using native speakers and thousands of real-life images to help you think in the new language from the very beginning. Studies show that learning exclusively in the new language, without translation as a crutch, is crucial.

The exclusive Dynamic Immersion method reinforces your natural language-learning skills with award-winning instructional technology. Identify your learning goals, then choose customized courses that take you there.

The timeless immersion method, along with research-based techniques and new technologies, make Rosetta Stone the clear solution to your language-learning needs.

What will you be able to do?

Understand everyday language.
Through Rosetta Stone's proficiency-based listening and reading activities, you'll learn quickly.

Pronounce words correctly.
After practicing with Rosetta Stone's speech recognition and analysis tools, pronunciation will come easily.

Speak without a script.
Contextual Formation makes sure you have the confidence and cues you need to get the words out on the spot.

Spell and write accurately.
You'll build gradually from letters to words and sentences.

Engage in real-life conversations.
With Milestone activities, gain confidence using speech alone in simulated situations.

Retain what you learn.
The unique Adaptive Recall reinforces language so it sticks with you in the real world.
Customer Review: great system
I am now on the 3rd and final level of Rosetta Stone's Spanish (Latin America). I have been very impressed with the series. I do also use Pimsleur Spanish CDs in my car to supplement my learning. I'd recommend both to anyone interested in learning any language.
Customer Review: Installation challenges
This version is sold as Vista compatible, however installation was not straight forward with Vista Ultimate as operating system. Once installed there is an error message as the file framedynos.dll is not found. We needed to copy it into the program directory. The activation program does not work with Vista, we needed to disconnect the PC from the internet and activate via phone. Neither of these two problems was listed in the manual. The good thing was that the phone service was available even late in the night. Once these two hurdles were overcome the program seems to be working well.

With the numerous and high-quality Zune MP3 downloads, there is no reason why you should not consider shifting to the Zune technology. In a period when portable music devices are very popular, there is an increased competition. That is why Zune is constantly developing different and attractive contents that would surely lure more consumers and possibly poach a significant number from arch rival iPod of Apple Inc.

Microsoft Corporation certainly would not be left out cold in the middle of the competition. It has always been a leader in every sector and technology it enters into. Thus, when it formed and instituted the Zune, its own brand of digital music playing products, many loyal followers and consumers immediately shifted gears and tried how the company cut-throats competition. Surely, Zune is cutting edge, ripping market shares from earlier and predecessor portable music players.

The rise of Zune gives way to the rapid and robust rise in demand for Zune MP3 downloads. Analysts and market observers are quick to assert that Zune is relatively and comparatively swifter in the development and introduction of new content materials.

Zune has portable music players as well as client software, making it abler to reach more and wider base of digital music consumers. If rival iPod has iTunes, Zune MP3 downloads are facilitated through Microsoft's specialized online music store Zune Marketplace. The downloads are unique and are highly attractive in that such contents can be integrated with software. When the online store was launched in November 2006, it initially offered two million songs. As of the end of 2007, the lineup surged to up to three million digital songs, and is still counting.

On top of that, Zune MP3 downloads are getting more attention with its updated versions, which also incorporates available music videos. Music downloads are legal and are provided from the titles and archives of four of the world's most gigantic and hit-making record labels, namely, Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group, EMI and Sony BMG, not to mention the smaller and local music labels around the globe.

What's more, Zune is bent on further improving its products and download lineups. In the near future, analysts are positive that the music playing technology would soon beat rivals, great and small. Zune has more advantage and a greater edge. With the advanced technology, capital advantage and technology interconnectivity provided by Microsoft and Xbox, expect that more are to come from Zune MP3 downloads.

Learn how you can get access to unlimited Zune downloads.

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Latin Percussion LPM196 Mini Tunable Djembe

This miniature drum is the exact replica of the full size LP Djembe, making it attractive to collectors and musical enthusiasts alike. Made from kiln-dried, environmentally-friendly Siam Oak, with a natural rawhide head, and chrome plated hardware it is also fully tunable. Its irresistible size, measuring in at 8-1/4" tall and 5-1/2" wide, makes it an ideal instrument for "drumming on the go!" Bring it anywhere you would like to add a bit of music therapy. Finished with a natural stain this charming miniature will instantly reach out to players of all ages. Sold with a tuning wrench.

The Kentucky Derby is a pretty big deal, so much so that lots of people host their own Kentucky derby party. You can work to make your party a little original this year with some Mardi Gras flair to it. Guest will love the great food, loud music, colorful decorations and if you have the room and inclination the parade! Of course this is still a Kentucky Derby party so youll have plenty of horse and racing related decorations and you cant forget to give the guests their classic mint juleps for the party.

Make sure the guests know that the party is going to have a Mardi Gras theme to it in the invitations you send. You can pick up some invitations with a Kentucky derby or horseracing theme and punch them up a bit by adding some colorful glitter. Carefully outline the picture with a thin bead of glue and sprinkle the glitter on it. Wait for it to dry, shake off the excess glitter and send in the mail.

You can pick up some fun masks to hand out to the guests when they arrive to the Kentucky derby party. There are some fun horseracing wall hangings you can plaster to the walls and get lots of balloons in the Mardi Gras colors with an emphasis on green since it matches the grass of the racing grounds.

Take advantage of some excellent Creole recipes when thinking up appetizers for this party. Bourbon Chicken is a tasty dish that can be made for easy pick up by the guests with the addition of toothpicks. Red rice and beans is another traditional dish and its ingredients are cheap so you save a little money to get goodies for a big ole pot of jambalaya. The guests can dance to some music, share beads, eat good food and finally sit back to watch the races.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino takes a common sense approach to planning and organizing events, celebrations and holiday parties with unique ideas for birthday party supplies and fun free educational party games. She explains proper etiquette and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free coloring sheets, printable games, and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Party Themes to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties is at the Party Theme Shop. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.

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