"Whatever you are, be a good one", Abraham Lincoln America's 16th president reputedly said. So why not set out to make 2008 your best teaching year ever? How? Well, here are seven suggestions you might want to consider and implement.
The Seven
1. Subscribe to and Read a teaching Technical periodical publication
There are a number of TEFL related periodicals online and in print which can provide you a flow of new ideas, tips and techniques to get you out of your rut and keep you out of it.
2. Create and Post a Video Series
No question about it, video has exploded its online presence in a major way during the past several months. YouTube.com is no small contributor to this phenomenon and there's certainly no reason why you too shouldn't get on the bandwagon by creating and posting videos of your own.
3. Take or Teach an Extension Course
You're already a teacher so why teach during your time off? Simple, teach something other that your principle topics. Try teaching a hobby or other interest, a sport, a skill or other ability you might have and want to expand on.
4. Take a Short Seminar
Long a staple method for rapid improvement, take a short course or seminar evenings, weekends or during semester breaks. There are short and medium length courses from one-day to one month on a myriad of topics, so just take your pick, feed your inner soul and watch yourself grow.
5. Try Some New Didactics and Techniques in Your Classes
Talk with colleagues, former professors, go online, visit websites and chat rooms to get some extra tips and techniques to try out with your learners. Very likely, you'll be glad you did.
6. Go on a Teaching Vacation
What? You say? Take a teaching vacation during my vacation from teaching? Yes, that's right. But this time it'll be different. How? Well, you can teach a short course or summer course in another location. Live in the USA? Then teach a course abroad in Asia, Europe or Latin America. Live in a Latin American country? The go teach in Europe, Scandinavia, Asia or Africa. Are you in Europe? Go to Australia, Latin America, Asia or Africa. The change of venue will charge your batteries like nothing else you can imagine. You could also try changing the learner group you normally teach too. Teens to adults or business professionals, Technical English classes your forte? Swap for a children's summer camp.
7. Get Yourself a Raise
Prepare your accomplishments as a presentation for your administration. Detail your seminars, publications and seminar or short course attendance to boost your image. What do you think would happen if you sent a copy of an article or book you've published to your boss, the administration and the language department heads of every school, institute and related educational facility in your area complete with your contact information and a short introductory note? Nothing? Don't you believe it!
So using any, many, most or even all of these 7 suggestions, you can easily make this year one of your best teaching years ever. Remember Abe Lincoln's advice: "Whatever you are, be a good one". If you'd like even more suggestions for making this year one of your best ever, stay tuned for more coming soon.
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Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an English language teaching and learning expert author and university professor in Cali, Colombia. For more information on entering into or advancing in the fascinating field of ELT send for his no-cost pdf Ebook, "If You Want to Teach English Abroad, Here's What You Need to Know", send an e-mail with "free ELT Ebook" in the subject line. For comments, questions, requests, to receive more information or to be added to his free TESOL articles and teaching materials mailing list, e-mail: lynchlarrym@gmail.com
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