This is ultimately the question I am most frequently confronted with - is Tupac dead, or alive? Personally, I believe It all comes down to how you see death, and what YOU believe.
To cut things short, in my honest opinion, I believe Tupac is dead. A lot of people breeze over that though, and thats what the problem is. By saying he is dead, we are suggesting he is no longer alive - he no longer physically exists. But just because he doesnt exist as a physical form, a solid being, doesnt mean hes not here, right? Through Tupacs touching lyrics and music, he reached out to us, and communicated with us. Thats what he was best at. As long as we still listen to his music, his words, he will still touching us and communicating with us. So even after Tupac passed away, his music still remains - his essence still burns in our hearts. Remember, this is just what I believe. Death is a concept, depending on how you interpret it and what you believe, you may think differently. It will be great to hear your thoughts and opinions on this.
So why the Seven Day Theory? One thing Tupac was known for, was his intelligence. No, I dont mean he had outstanding grades at school. A lot of people mis-interpret the word intelligence. Knowledge is what is what one knows. Intelligence is ones ability to know. Tupacs ability to understand was immense. Just by listening to his lyrics, you can tell he was a deep thinker. He was a sensitive young male, who tried so hard to understand why things happened. But unfortunately, when trying to understand death all one is faced with is pain, and anxiety. Tupac wasnt necessarily scared of dying, but of being forgotten.
A lot of people are worried about death, but really I think they are worried about being forgotten. So many memories just erased in an instant. The only possible remedy would be to engrave those memories and stories into his songs, and then create a mystery which baffles the world for years to come. It makes sense doesnt it? Tupac was so intelligent, he would have had the ability to predict this. He would have known by leaving so many clues and hints in his lyrics, and by creating the Seven Day Theory, the world even to this day will be listening to his words in hope.
If this idea was true, it would explain just about everything - apart from the actual shooting itself. Now assuming Tupac died on September 13th 1996, we are left with two possibilities: Tupac was murdered, or he planned his death. Once again, your thoughts are welcome on this. But my personal opinion, is that Tupac planned his death. For someone living in such pain and suffering (according to his lyrics), it wouldnt be hard to give in to death, if it meant he would be perceived as a legend for decades to come. Tupac once said in an interview that he shouldve blown his brains out a long time ago. It is clear that he wasnt afraid to die, and so maybe he was willing to exchange his life for a piece of history.
Remember, this is just what I believe. Everyone has their own thoughts and views regarding Tupacs death. Maybe he is chilling on an island somewhere smoking a blunt. Or perhaps he really was murdered straight.
This article was written by Luke Kirk. To learn more about Tupac Shakur, visit Luke's website: Tupac Shrin
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