Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Music marketing is by and large difficult for most artists, that is something we need to realise. Marketing yourself, being confident to allow people to listen to your tracks and most importantly, handling criticism takes a bit of time to get used to. In the majority of cases though, marketing plans do fail. you may have a great sounding track, but if it is not marketed properly then it will just be white noise.

However all is not lost.

The main reasons why music marketing fails is that 1) there is always some money involved, and 2) we market our music.

They all sound a bit strange I know, but my plan is for you to get over these hurdles and to get your music out there without any hassle. I will take each of the above points in turn, but remember they are interlinked:

    1) Money marketing. This is bad. The economics of this is so: you have to sell slot of tracks to get back the amount you spent on marketing, then you need to sell a few more to make any profit. The problems is, why are we spending so much money on music marketing, or, why are we spending any money on marketing at all?! The Internet has greatly reduced the cost of marketing by 100%. Yep, marketing should be free, then any tracks that you do sell is pure profit. There are so many music marketing strategies, some of which are simple ideas that are not being utilised.

Here are some fantastic free marketing strategies are not being used, at all. How about leaflet distribution, flyers, making a mailing list then advertising your new tracks on that (they already like your tracks because they have signed upto your mailing list). Applying to competitions will always bring in some much needed traffic as competitions generate 1) leads and interest from the host site, 2) your tracks will get viral marketed especially if it has become in the top 3. Viral marketing is just another way of spreading interest, all the people who voted for your tracks will recommend the great track that they heard, and you name spreads. 3) You can always advertise the fact that you got in first, second or third in X competition (always state how many other competitors were there as well- coming third out of four entries is nothing to promote really).

Surely the ultimate advertising strategy is...give away your MP3s for FREE! A simple technique that promotes your tracks. People then trust you, they love quality items, they assume then, "hmm, if this is free, and it's good, what would his selling tracks be like?" Free stuff sells pay goods, fact. Give away alot of free stuff...MP3s being the main one, and then be patient.

Once you have finished your free marketing, start again. Just keep on promoting yourself by free processes. It gets your name banded around, people will see your Webpage link and click on it increasing your traffic. It might not too successful in the first few months or maybe even a year, but stick with it, gaining visitor confidence will ultimately prevail.

    2) The above is great, but why would anyone buy any track from you in the first place? To most surfers you are faceless, they don't see you on the music videos, so why should they buy anything from you?

Harsh words I know, I'm sorry, but it is true. That is the real reason why there are thousands of good groups and artists out there in Internet land marketing away, spending cash and showing nothing for it. They marketed first, wanting cash, and their visitors are literally saying "I don't think so". You then become the banner ad- looks really good, but never gets the click.

What you need to do is create content within your site. Simple as that. Without content you are just another site that the visitor has no real reason to come back to. Content also increases the chances of you being picked up by the search engines. Please note:Google, and the other big search engines have stated that their thousands of calculations per site includes content search. This is a fundamental statement, even if you are a music site giving away your MP3s.

If you have ever looked for MP3s within the search engines, there are about 6 million sites dedicated to the term MP3. Now, your one site has to be found by a visitor, the chances are very low. However, if your site has content focused keywords, such as "good guitar riffs", "how to gig" etc, then you will be picked up much easily than a simple MP3 search. Within the various pages that you have created you put, "download free guitar MP3s" or something that suits your music, and you then advertise your MP3s through the "back door". Content will also bring back the visitors, they love a site that they are interested in, they sign up to your news-letter, and then you email them with new updates, your new MP3s etc. Then you start to create your own little buzz, you create people willing to listen to your tracks.

A sideline to content is always relevant, up-to-date content. Offering tapes with your tracks on is music marketing suicide. I have seen these actually being offered on some websites. Offering a tape states that 1. You are not up-to-date hence your sounds won't be, 2. You are offering poor quality, hence your tracks won't shine, and 3. You have to pay out for the tape (postage and packaging etc). People on the Internet want things now, not tomorrow, offering MP3s, even short WAV files is giving the visitor what they want- immediate access to your tracks.

Relevant content is just as important as current content. If you have a rock website stick to rock related web pages. If I was into hip-hop I wouldn't go onto your rock site and look at hip-hop related articles. Obvious I know, but scarily this has been done. It also has another effect. The search engines see topic specific sites as just that, topic specific. If you stray away from your chosen topic it will not look good for you with the engines. They will see that your relevance has reduced and so to will your page ranking.

Content is not that easy to accomplish. It comes with time, you need to tweak, track whether that has done any good to your traffic or click throughs. You could also just be writing alot of drivel. Content needs to be "Search Engine Focused", you need to honestly persuade people to buy from you, you need to have a one to one style (like you are talking to a friend), and definitely not be boring. Nearly forgot, you need to assess who your audience is. Are they young, middle aged, technophobic? You writing style should cater for your audience. For example, a younger audience will like more colour, more tech information, a friendly banter, and up-to-date chart acts. Generally if you write as you would talk to a friend then you will be on safe lines.

Dominic Hough has made music for over 18 years. On his site he has proved that you can make, and market your own techno songs for free. His site also covers sampling, MP3s, loops and much more.

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Coldplay , 4x2 is the world's largest retailer of art prints, posters, photographs, and framed artwork. With our huge selection of over 400,000 prints, you'll easily find the perfect piece for your home, office, or classroom. Our art is printed on quality paper. When you order framed artwork, the piece is built by our team of in-house professionals. Visit our Amazon store today at to find Special Offers and search for products based on 'Artist Name' and 'Subject Categories' such as Movie, Music, Vintage, TV, Children, Travel, Kitchen, Museum Art, Animals, Floral, Motivational, and Sports. is dedicated to providing you with high quality products and service by offering you 100% satisfaction guaranteed. We ship internationally to over 80 countries. Decorate your home today with your favorite pictures that express and celebrate your distinct tastes.

Just about every dancer out there has a blooper story to tell. Bloopers are almost like a right of passage and there are a lot of us out there that are seasoned!

Bloopers can happen for many reasons; like you forgot to check your costume and make sure your snaps and hooks are sewn on tightly. I mean, when you dance every weekend and perform 2 to 4 shows in a night your costumes will start to suffer.

I had ten costumes that I checked and made sure they were ready to dance in. Then, I just started to let the "costume check" slide a little. By appearance my costumes looked good but hidden from the general public were a few pins here and there. And that, my friends, is where the bloopers come to life.

I remember I was dancing for a recreational camp for kids and there had to be at least 200 kids ranging in ages from kindergarten up to teenagers all watching me perform. Before I knew it as I was doing my favorite turn, my back straps broke and there for a few seconds were my breasts bared for everyone to see. The younger kids didn't quite get what had happened but the older ones did. Fortunately I had my niece with me who pinned my back straps together and I went back out to continue my performance. To my dismay the group leaders were already leading the kids out of the room and only a few stayed to see me finish. I don't think I helped our community out much at that performance. To my knowledge they haven't invited any belly dancers back. Moral of the story: Check your snaps and hooks!

Weight fluctuation is another blooper waiting to happen. I learned the hard way that my daughter's socks are not a good substitution for bra pads. I had lost weight and fixed one costume but not the other. I figured that socks would give me the boost I needed while being hidden from view. So I decided to wear the costume that I didn't fix first because what did I have to fear, I had my daughters socks. But socks, as I found out, have a mind of their own.

I was dancing for a huge group of diplomats from Iran and our FBI at a local restaurant that I perform at. Everybody was yelling my name and clapping as I came out ready to dance the night away. And that was exactly what I was doing until I noticed a few grins and giggles from the audience. One man pointed to my bra and from my vantage point, my breasts and bra looked fine. But when I did a chest circle there to my horror was my daughter's sock hanging down my right side. So I did what any professional would do, I pulled it out and threw it. Everybody laughed and applauded and I continued to dance with one big breast and one small breast. After the evening was over and everybody had left I went looking for my daughter's sock. I couldn't find it anywhere and even had the wait staff (who were still in hysterics) help me look for it. But it was nowhere to be found. Weeks past and I forgot about the missing sock until the owner of the restaurant told me that my sock was given to the head diplomat as a gift and reminder of his stay here. So whoever took it had it framed and presented it to him. Also to go along with the sock were 5 video cameras that captured the infamous sock rolling down my right side. So moral of this story: bra pads!

Long skirts can be a bloopers' best friend. I like my skirts long because I am short and if my skirts are just a little above my ankles they make me look even shorter. So the bottoms of my skirts get dirty and I have to wash them a lot. I had one particularly long skirt that I just loved. It was separate from my belt and I loved this because than I could mix and match to my hearts content. Well, one evening I wore my favorite skirt for a big dinner party at a nightclub I use to dance at. The family who had the dinner party filled most of the club. They had especially asked for me and I was very honored to dance for them.

So the night began very innocently with me dancing around tables and on chairs. They even put me up on the tables a few times. It's amazing what your skirt can get caught on. There I was dancing and just finishing up my drum solo when I decided I wanted to end on stage. So I jumped down off the table and began to stroll over to the stage only to realize that my skirt didn't want to come with me. As my audience tried to get me unstuck my skirt somehow got pulled down and was close to my knees. (Thank God I had on matching underwear). Finally my skirt was pulled free and I gracefully pulled my skirt up and was able to finish the last minute of my show. The family loved the little drama and said that they would remember that night for a long time. The moral of this story: Stay on the stage and don't dance on tables!

Props can either be friend or foe. Sometimes I really believe my veil, cane or sword is on the side of the bloopers. You know how it is, you practice in the studio or home and everything goes great but as soon as you get out and perform something bizarre happens to your prop. I have often wondered if my props were possessed. It's amazing how your veil will get caught on your costume or how your cane flies out of your hand. My sword was better behaved but would occasionally act up.

One evening in Fort Worth I was dancing in a very crowded restaurant and I was dancing with my cane. Everybody was enjoying themselves and the owner of the restaurant was sitting at a table not far from our little stage. I was twirling the heck out of my cane when to my surprise the cane flew out of my hand and landed on the restaurant owners lap. The whole restaurant applauded and yelled for more. So I slowly went up to the restaurant owner and asked for my cane and he gave it back to me with an amused look on his face. Fortunately for me my cane music was almost over and I didn't have to try for another amazing encore with my cane. So the moral of this story: If you mess up with your prop, make it look good!

The last of the bloopers are the hidden kind. You know, the kind that don't show themselves until you are on stage dancing and then you realize that the stage is uneven or worse you just stepped on something that feels very slimy. And let's not forget the shrinking stage.

Let's face it, when we get hired to dance at a party or event, we can't always check the stage out beforehand. I remember when I was hired for a party and I asked how big was the space where I was dancing and they replied that it was a good-sized space, at least half of a room. So I choreographed a dance accordingly to what I was told. Well, my stage was 4ft by 3ft. and by a raging fire in a fireplace with little kids sitting all around me. My choreography changed immediately and I was amazed that I didn't pass out from the heat.

The uneven stage is the one blooper that hides itself very well. I have been on stages that looked even but when I danced on them turned me into a lopsided sideshow. I remember at this one restaurant that whenever I would spin that I would slowly but surely spin into a table on the right side of the stage each time. I would stop at that table just before I'd loose it. I finally asked the other dancers if they did the same thing and they all replied yes. Thank God! Who wants to be lopsided alone? The slimy story gives me shivers up my spine so I think I'll pass on it. Besides I think you can visualize the scenario without me giving you the details.

So these are just a few of my blooper stories. The one thing I realized throughout my 22 years in dance is that even though we all strive for perfection in our dance, the bloopers keep us grounded. Sometimes I think back and have to laugh at the dumb and embarrassing things that have happened to me. If you can laugh at yourself then you have just given yourself a wonderful gift. Laughter keeps us humble and it keeps us healthy. So keep on laughing and keep on dancing!

Leyla Najma of Albuquerque, NM has been performing as a professional Belly Dancer for 22+ years. She offers workshops, private classes and has recently started producing a series of shows called "Cleopatras Courst" as benefits for local organizations. Leyla can be reached at, or

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Art Poster Print - Coldplay - Artist: unknown unknown- Poster Size: 36 X 24

unknown unknown:Coldplay 36 X 24 inches. High Quality Art Work. Browse our store for framed and unframed posters and shop for all your art needs at DirectForSale. This Coldplay is made with High Quality Poster paper and is made for years of enjoyment. Note: This item is not available for express shipping.

We are living in a world that runs on high speed 24 hours a day 7 days a week. In order to keep up, we have to be smart in planning our time and scheduling the things that are really important. Unfortunately for moms, we tend to put ourselves last, thinking that once everything else gets done, we can have some time for ourselves. We are lucky if this happens once in a while. We all know how important it is to exercise and maintain good health, we have heard the lectures about how we are more healthy, better parents when we choose to exercise and how we will live longer and be around to enjoy our children. So here are some tips to help you fit exercise into your busy life.

Tip #1 Always be prepared

Have a bag with your gym clothes and anything else you need to workout on hand. Keep it in the trunk of your car, if you have some extra time at work, you can take a walk, or if you get off early you can stop by the gym on the way home. Always having what you need on hand, takes away that excuse.

Tip #2 Think ahead

If you chose one day of the week and cook several meals ahead of time, you will not only have extra time to take a walk with your kids, it will eliminate the fast food drive through stop if you have had an especially crazy day.

Tip #3 Dance Dance Dance

Put in your favorite music and call the kids in to dance with you. There are games that incorporate dance, like Twister Moves, or you can just freestyle. This is great quality time that you can spend with your kids, encouraging their creativity and teaching them that it can be fun to move.

Tip # 4 Make an Appointment

Set an alarm for when it is time to exercise, when it goes off, stop what you are doing and take some time to move. I want to say let your kids know this is mommies time to exercise, but when you have really little ones it can be hard. Do the best you can to keep the commitment you make to yourself, to take care of yourself and you will feel better in many ways.

Tip #5 Have a family activity night

There are many family traditions when a family eats together. Break the mold and create traditions where your family moves together. Take a walk after dinner, when it is warm enough outside. See how many different trees you can find or how many types of butterflies you can spot. When I walk with my kids, they go to bed better and they really love the time we spend outside. There are many other activities you can do as a family. Have a family meeting and brainstorm things that your family would love to do together.

These are some easy ways that you can find time to exercise. Remember that you are setting an example for your children, not only that it is important to exercise but that they need to take time to take care of themselves, this is a lesson that will serve them well in life.

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Coldplay: Live 2003

Riding high on the phenomenal success of A Rush of Blood to the Head, Coldplay is in peak form on Coldplay Live 2003. This CD/DVD two-pack was filmed (on Super-16mm film) and recorded in Sydney's Horden Pavilion on July 21 and 22, 2003, during an exhaustive year-long world tour, and the medium-sized arena provides a fitting stage for the London-based rock quartet, not so grand as to overwhelm the music, but large enough to indicate their large and loyal following, which includes enthusiastic fans of either gender. Especially when played in DTS 5.1 surround, this 90-minute concert is richer, thicker, and (of course) louder than Coldplay's studio recordings, lending a wall-of-sound expansiveness to the band's signature sound, which draws from such diverse influences as Genesis, Pink Floyd, The Verve, U2, and their own unique sonic landscape. "Politik" gets the gig off to a rousing start, and other impressive highlights include "Daylight," "Yellow," the as-yet-unreleased new song "Moses," and the popular hits "In My Place," "Clocks," and "The Scientist." And while the concert visuals are slick and professional (perhaps placing a bit too much emphasis on singer/frontman Chris Martin), this DVD and CD--the latter containing a truncated 70-minute version of the same performance--are best appreciated for their pristine audio quality. Culled from 400 hours of home video, the 40-minute "concert diary" represents a wasted opportunity, enjoyable for hardcore fans but offering no insight into the band or its individual members. Much better, then, to play the concert at healthy high volume, and appreciate Coldplay in the prime of their young career. --Jeff Shannon
Customer Review: The best concert I never went to!!
I got the Coldplay 2003 DVD as a birthday present in '04. Coldplay's my favorite band, so you can imagine my excitement. Back in the days, I never thought I could ever be in a real concert of the band, I lived too far away from any place they toured. Almost four years later, I still think the DVD was the best concert in my life. That is, taking into consideration that I went to see them, against all odds, in NYC in 2006. It's not that the concert was bad, it was one of the best days in my life. It's that to me, the DVD is so good that I can't get enough of it. The band plays perfectly, the connection with the crowd is real, the choice of songs is fantastic, the sound is epic, the transitions that go along with songs, including colors, angles and views of the crowd and the band are nothing but exciting and bright. If there's any DVD I would ever recommend, it's this one. It's the closest you'll come to live the Coldplay experience if you haven't got the chance to live it already.
Customer Review: Wow. That's all I have to say.
Not only is the music CD great, but the DVD packs quite the punch. The only tiny thing that bugged me was how the CD didn't have every song off of the DVD, but I guess that's what makes the DVD that much better. If you like Coldplay, but this DVD, you will not regret it. Best $20 musical purchase I've made in a long time.

Flashback Records - Latin
BROWSE: Latin . Best Of Beny More. Beny More. Release date: 8/3 ... Release date: 8/3/99. Latin Love: Musica Romantica (Flashback) Various. Release date: 8/3/99 ...

ImportSounds: Categories available
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Festival Latino Americano - Performers
Rock en Espaol, Salsa, Pop y msica tradicional son solo unos cuantos de los ... Bakalao Star, Charlotte's hottest and most energetic Latin band. ...
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Virggi - Caramelo de Limon
Latin Music Artist Virgii talks about her latest CD release Caramelo de Limon ... Quick Links RSS Feed iTunes Feed Download Playing Report Inappropriate. Barrio 305 ... - Latin Playlists
... Country Electronica Folk Indie Jazz Latin New Age Pop R&B / Soul Rap / Hip-Hop ... Musica . musica . Created by cr706 on May. 20, 2008 (58 views - 0 bumps ...

Freddy Fender; Award-Winning Singer -
Freddy Fender, 69, the "Bebop Kid" of the Texas-Mexico border who later turned his twangy tenor into the smash country ... for Best Latin Pop Album in 2002 ...

2002 Grammy Winners - Local News Story - WCAU | Philadelphia
Best Pop Vocal Album, "Lovers Rock," Sade ... Best Latin Pop Album: "La Musica De Baldemar Huerta," Freddy Fender ... Traditional Tropical Latin Album: "Dejame ...

RealTone JukeBox - Real Music Ringtones For Your Mobile!
Latin Jazz. Latin Pop . Latin Rap. Memphis In May. Metal. National Anthems. Nickelodeon. Objetivo Fama ... Man - Baja La Musica . 103105. Valeria Gastaldi ...

LATIN GRAMMYS / The winners
Brazilian contemporary pop album: "Falange Canibal," Lenine. ... MPB ( musica popular Brasileira) album: "Cambaio," Chico Buarque & Edu Lobo. ...

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Rubi is an ambitious young woman, who all her life wanted to become rich. She studies in a private university, where she meets sweet and rich Maribel, and becomes her friend. Rubi is the only friend of Maribel, who doesn't know that she wants to be her friend only because of her money. When Hector, a young and handsome architect with whom Maribel had been chatting on the Internet arrives at Mexico, Rubi meets his friend, Alejandro. Alejandro and Rubi immediately fall in love. Hector proposes to Maribel and she accepts. When Rubi finds out that Alejandro isn't rich as she thought, she decides to break up with him and do everything in order to marry rich Hector, and finally get the life she always dreamed of.
Customer Review: The edition is good, but the music is so boring.
The soap opera Rubi started so good, it was so quickly that in every episode you can see something exciting, unfortunately, with the huge succes of the soap opera Televisa ordered more episodes and there's when we had the problem, When we start to see the beginning of the end: the illness of Hector (then alejandro operates him but because of Rubi he let him die accidentaly). Instead of that, magically Hector gets healed, he gets a lover (Yadhira Carrillo), Rubi meet the Count (Manuel Landeta) and Alejandro have a lot of trouble in the hospital because of some fraudulent things. That part of the story is not as cool as the first episodes, they cut A LOT of secondary characters that actually their story wasn't interesting. That's why i think is a very good edition.... EXCEPT: For the music, the main theme (La descarada) was so goood, this new one is pathetic, and the score was also incredible, but especially the song from the dramatic moments. (In the special episode you can hear it in some of the dramatic moments, for example Sonia's death, when Rubi runs to the beach with her wedding dress, when Maribel watch Rubi at the airport with Hector, etc, etc. Instead of that good song they use a very boring theme, it doesn't transmitt the same emotion and tension. Hope we can see a new version of the dvd but with the real music and with more scenes and extras. By the way the extras are very cool, the finale of the original series in black and white, the special of rubi's niece, the press conference of Rubi, the only missed the original trailers (THEY'RE SO COOL, check them out on youtube)
Customer Review: rubi 2
i'm wondering if they ever going to do part 2 where her neice is twice as free spirited and dangerous lol

Nashvilles Latin Music Street Fair
Nashvilles Latin Street Fair- This year May 5th, 2007. ... Msica en vivo & Mas de 30 exhibiciones de comida latina & Danza folklrica ...

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Hispanic World of Musicians and Actors
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A musical tour of Cuban cities with Beny More.
Cuban music is one of the great artistic achievements of the twentieth century, ... La Sonora Matancera con Bety Melendez - El Mueco de Ciudad ...

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Msica @Michigan
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Premios La Musica Latina . Posted by WindyCityTejana on January 22, 2006, 8:48 pm ... Thanks for visting the Mera Tejano - Conjunto & Norteno Musica Message Board...

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Latin Percussion LPM196 Mini Tunable Djembe

This miniature drum is the exact replica of the full size LP Djembe, making it attractive to collectors and musical enthusiasts alike. Made from kiln-dried, environmentally-friendly Siam Oak, with a natural rawhide head, and chrome plated hardware it is also fully tunable. Its irresistible size, measuring in at 8-1/4" tall and 5-1/2" wide, makes it an ideal instrument for "drumming on the go!" Bring it anywhere you would like to add a bit of music therapy. Finished with a natural stain this charming miniature will instantly reach out to players of all ages. Sold with a tuning wrench.

We often talk about wedding receptions once the receptions are over. The people at the wedding, the wedding site, the food, the drink, the music, the pleasantries exchanged, the bonhomie and the steady trickle of joy of being part of a social event reminds us later that it was the greatest wedding reception that we ever attended. Whom you danced with, did your favorite band entertain. Was the location beside a lake or on a yacht every detail is embedded in your memory. Later the memories come rushing in to make you feel mushy.

Setting the emotions aside, wedding receptions are remembered for the sheer grandeur of the arrangements made in terms of food, drink, music, the wedding site, and the ambience. No wonder people are willing to spend lavishly on wedding receptions to make it a memorable one. Wedding entertainment has an endearing importance, as the bride and the groom are interested in entertaining the guests to make the day memorable. Variety is being added to songs, dances, food and decorations. Jugglers, fire-eaters, magicians, stand up comedians and professional band have all entered the scene as a part of wedding entertainment.

Wedding entertainment mostly means music entertainment that can be live or otherwise. Wedding music bands, wedding DJs, solo wedding musicians, solo wedding singers, and wedding music ensembles all comprise the wedding entertainment schedule. Depending on the mood and atmosphere of the day, these performers can be hired to perform. While a DJ would play music as per planned, he also would ask the guests to request for songs of their choice. Music entertainment also means performance either by musicians and singers, solo or in groups. A pianist playing your favorite music while the guests enjoy the delectable food can be very soothing. If you wish, your guests to dance chose such music as Latin, Swing Band or even Rock and Roll. A Jazz or Cover band would give a more sophisticated feel. As far as live music entertainment is concerned the band selection offers choice across the spectrum that include Country, Cover, Dance, Jazz, Latin, Motown, Oldies, Reggae, Rock, Steel Drum, Swing, Top 40, and the periods like 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s band.

While live music entertainment limits the music to a particular genre once the selection is made, a DJ offers a mix of whatever you want, from any era, any musician and any song. You should make up your mind to what tune you would love your guests to enjoy and dance to, whether slow and romantic, or hip and exciting. Whether it is going to be Louis Armstrongs What a wonderful world or a Whitney Houston romantic song. The results are the guests would be left with an unforgettable wedding experience and treasure it forever.

Copyright @2006, 4th Media Corporation

You have permission to publish this article electronically free of charge, as long as the bylines and links in the body of the article and the bylines are included.

Natalie Aranda writes on love, relationship and family. Wedding ceremony are remembered for wedding music, wedding gown and wedding cake. Wedding receptions are remembered for the sheer grandeur of the arrangements made in terms of food, drink, music, the wedding site, and the ambience. No wonder people are willing to spend lavishly on wedding receptions to make it a memorable one. Wedding entertainment has an endearing importance, as the bride and the groom are interested in entertaining the guests to make the day memorable.

latin music com

X&Y-South East Asia Tour Edition

2006 CD/DVD (NTSC/Region 0) Fantastic Asian pressing of their third album released to commemorate their 2006 tour of the Far East. The bonus DVD features all of their B-sides (DVD-Audio) lifted from the album thus far, 'Things I Don't Understand', 'Proof', 'Poor Me' (Live at the Hollywood Bowl), 'The World Turned', 'Sleeping Sun' and 'Gravity' along with all of their music videos to all the singles, 'Speed of Sound', 'Fix You', 'Talk' and the final single lifted from the album, 'The Hardest Part'. Packaged in an exclusive slipcase. EMI. 2006.

Are you a techno chick who wants to turn your bedroom into a dancing platform? Okay, it might not always be possible to do so; however do check out some of the interesting ways on how to use free DJ sound effects to make your websites, blogs and MySpace profile a dancing platform for your site visitors.

Looking for brilliant ideas for using free DJ sound effects? Help is here. You might have always wanted the heart-thumping track that you heard the other day from the club. Well, now you can have it and conveniently embed it into your website.

The trick to using free DJ sound effects is to get one that you can tweak and edit such that you can make your very own dance track. Since dance tracks usually consist of repetitions and mostly sound effects, it would be interesting if you are able to use your creative juices and make full use of the DJ sound effects to make your very own masterpiece.

What you can do is to first grab as many DJ sound effects as possible. You might have thoughts of using Kazaa or Limewire to illegally download these DJ sound effects, but my advice to you is not to do so. This is firstly because the illegal downloading of tracks is wrong, and that you are increasing your chances of getting in trouble with the law. Secondly, peer-2-peer (P2P) network sites, Kazaa and Limewire do not allow you to have a preview of the tracks and as such, you will have a hard time downloading the DJ sound effects that you are looking for.

So what you can so instead is to head on to royalty free music websites and download your DJ tracks or sound effects. The good thing about royalty free sound effects is that you will not have to worry about getting in trouble with the law. Unlike copyrighted tracks, these royalty free sound effects can be used many times over. You are the proud owner of these sound effects and as such use them as much as you like.

Use music editing software to make the necessary changes like looping and music cropping. Learn how to make full use of your music edit software to make the most out of these free DJ sound effects.

Upon creating your desired dance track, get ready and embed them into your very own blogs, websites and MySpace profile.

Be the groovy chick and awe everyone with your very own dance track!

A groovy chick will also need a groovy computer. So, what you can do is that with the very same sound effects that you have downloaded, use them on your computer's desktop. Listen to the computer jingle when an error messages pops up. Change the sounds when the computer starts up or when it shuts down. Change the way your computer looks and sounds!

Being someone who stands out sure doesn't hurt sometimes. It's time to bring your groove over to your blogs and websites and let the world know who is the grooviest chick in town!

Ray Barthell is an internet audio specialist providing royalty free music at - Be sure to download free sound effects

latin music festival

City of Men

As Seen on the SUNDANCE CHANNELFrom the team behind the Academy Award®-nominated feature CITY OF GOD including directors Fernando Meirelles (THE CONSTANT GARDNER) and K tia Lund comes the hit Brazilian television series CITY OF MEN a comedy/drama about two teenage boys growing up in a dangerous Rio de Janeiro slum starring Darlan Cunha and Douglas Silva featured in the motion picture that inspired this series.The CITY is a shantytown located in one of the many mountains of Rio de Janeiro. The MEN are two 13-year-old kids Laranjinha and Acerola. This series brilliantly mixes humor and reality to explore life in the "favelas" and in particular the indomitable spirit of two best friends growing up in one of most volatile communities in the world.System Requirements:Run Time: 570 minutesFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: TELEVISION/SERIES & SEQUELS Rating: NR UPC: 660200314125 Manufacturer No: PALMDV3141
Customer Review: Close to being brilliant!!
"If you die your son will be like us. Fatherless." From a film-makers point of view, this film is a daunting task. It has many characters but still grasps your attention. There are so many very good foreign language films nowadays. I thought Tsotsi was top notch and now, City of Men. I mean, wow! The characters in the film are young men involved in gangs, carefully woven in their anger and paranoid youth is a sense of dread and being doomed. Excellent drama. This is a must watch for anyone who's remotely interested. There will be a scene where you will laugh really really hard. There's a little kid in the film that you'll want to cuddle. You'll never want to live the character's life though. Also ... it actually made me think about something most men don't ever think of. It's about fatherhood. Before I become incoherent, I'll just end by saying, this film is going to do really well and is a must must watch. Thankyou for reading.
This series does not follow the exact story or timeline as the movie City Of God but it takes place in Rio de Janeiro in the Favela. I was entertained and pleased with the acting, cinematography, and realness. I almost felt that I was there and I could have been there in my younger years.

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LP RhythMix 6-pc. Rhythm Kit Set

2 yrs. & up. The amazing variety of great sounding instruments is everything a child needs to create a complete rhythm section! Perfect for a single child or a parade full of children, this great kit includes a handled drum, jingle stick, triangle, tone block, two Chick-itas, two mallets, and a child-sized backpack for convenient storage. Complete with musical activity booklet.

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