Friday, July 25, 2008

History: Fiction or Science? (Chronology, No. 1)

Recorded history is a finely-woven magic fabric of intricate lies about events predating the sixteenth century. There is not a single piece of evidence that can be reliably and independently traced back earlier than the eleventh century. This book details events that are substantiated by hard facts and logic, and validated by new astronomical research and statistical analysis of ancient sources.

Customer Review: Treading on sore toes?
The professional historians faint as prominent mathematician Doctor Fomenko et al research the known historical data and come to fairly controversial conclusions. For example, the English historians rage at the suggestion that the history of Ancient England was de facto a Byzantine import transplanted to the English soil by the fugitive Byzantine nobility. As the sign of recognition of the special role of the English historians who consider themselves the true scribes of World History, the cover of the present book portrays Tintoretto's Jesus Christ crucified on the Big Ben. The Russian historians brand it as pseudoscience because Dr Fomenko asserts that there was no such thing as the Tartar and Mongol invasion followed by over two centuries of slavery, providing a formidable body of documental evidence to prove his assertion. The so-called `Tartars and Mongols' were the actual ancestors of the modern Russians, living in a trilingual state and aspiring Global Empire with Arabic and Turkic spoken as freely as Russian. The ancient proto-Russian state was governed by a double structure of civil and military authorities and the hordes were actually professional armies with a tradition of lifelong conscription (the recruitment being the so-called `blood tax'). Their `invasions' were punitive operations against the regions that attempted tax evasion. Fomenko proves for a fact that official Russian history is a blatant forgery concocted by a host of German scholars brought to Russia by the usurper dynasty of the Romanovs. Their ascension to the throne was the result of conspiracy, so they charged these German historians-imports with the noble mission of making Romanov's reign look legitimate. Dr Fomenko et al prove Ivan the Terrible to be a collation of four rulers, no less. These rulers represented the two rival dynasties - the legitimate Godounovs and the ambitious Romanov upstarts. The European historians fume not only because Fomenko blows consensual Russian history to smithereens, successfully removing a crucial cornerstone from underneath the otherwise impeccable edifice of World History but for asserting that all medieval European Kings and Princes were but breakaway vice-regents and vassals of the Global Empire who badly needed glorious and very `ancient' past in order to legitimize their new independence from the Empire. Dr Fomenko adds insult to injury, wiping out one by one: the Ancient Rome: the foundation of Rome in Italy is dated to the 14th century A. D., the Ancient Greece and its numerous poleis, which he identifies as the mediaeval crusader settlements on the territory of Greece, the Ancient Egypt: the pyramids of Giza become dated to the 11th to 14th century A. D. and identified as the royal cemetery of the Global Empire, no less. The civilization of the `ancient'' Egypt is irrefutably dated to the 11th to 15th century A. D. following the breakthrough in decoding of the ancient Egyptian horoscopes cut in stone and painted on the temple walls. Arabic historians may find some consolation in the crucial historical role of the Ottoman Empire as a part of the Global empire in the 15th - 17th century. The trouble is that this Empire was initially a proto-Christian state, with Hagia Sophia identifiable as Temple of Solomon, but built in 1550-1557 A.D. by Sultan Suleiman according to Fomenko and Islam with all its key figures is datable to 15th 16th century A. D.! The Chinese historians are also an unhappy lot because Fomenko wipes out the Ancient History of China outright. No such history. Period. The compilation of the so-called Ancient Chinese History is reliably datable to the 17th 18th century only. It is perfectly recognizable as the Ancient European history, reworked and transcribed in hieroglyphs as yet another historical transplantation. The Divinity excommunicates Dr Fomenko because the history of religions according to Fomenko looks as follows: the pre-Christian period (before the 11th century and Jesus Christ ), Bacchic Christianity (11th to 12th century, before and after Jesus Christ), Jesus Christ Christianity (12th to 14th century) and its subsequent mutations (15th to 17th cy) into Orthodox Christianity, the Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, and so on..; and The Old Testament written after the New Testament in xiv-xvi cy A.D., if you please! Everybody served? Saint Augustine was quite prescient when he said: "be wary of mathematicians, particularly when they speak the truth."
Customer Review: Has history been tampered with?
Watch Video Here: Has history been tampered with? Yes, it has! Did events and eras such as the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Roman Empire , the Dark Ages, and the Renaissance, actually occur within a very different chronology from what we've been told? Yes, they certainly did! The history of humankind is both drastically shorter and dramatically different than generally presumed. Why is it so? On one hand, it was usual custom to justify the claims to title and land by age and ancestry, and on the other the court historians knew only too well how to please their masters. The so called universal classic world history is a pack of intricate lies for all events prior to the 16th century. World history as we learn it today was entirely fabricated in the 16th-18th centuries. It's likely that nobody told you before, but there is not a single piece of firm written evidence or artefact that is reliably and independently dated prior to the 11th century. Naturally, after what you've learned in school and university, you will not easily believe that the classical history of ancient Rome, Greece, Asia, Egypt, China, Japan, India, etc., is manifestly false. You will point accusing finger to the pyramids in Egypt, to the Coliseum in Rome and Great Wall of China etc., and claim, aren't they really ancient, thousands of years ancient? Well, there is no valid scientific proof that they are older than 1000 years! The oldest original written document that can be reliably dated belongs to the 11th century! New research asserts that Homo sapiens invented writing (including hieroglyphics) only 1000 years ago. Once invented, writing skills were immediately and irreversibly put to the use of ruling powers and science. The consensual chronology we live with was essentially crafted in the 16th century by the Jesuits. The world history was compiled from contradictory mix of innumerable copies of ancient Latin and Greek manuscripts and other irrefutable proofs delivered by late mediaeval astronomers that were cemented by the authority of writings of the Church Fathers. Early in life, we learn about ancient history. Children love the magical lessons of history - they are like fairy tales. Teachers recite breathtaking stories; very soon We learn by heart the names and deeds of brave warriors, wise philosophers, fabulous pharaohs, cunning high priests and greedy scribes. We learn of gigantic pyramids and sinister castles, kings and queens, dukes and barons, powerful heroes and beautiful ladies, emaciated saints and low-life traitors. Ancient history is based documents, manuscripts, printed books, paintings, monuments and artefacts - called primary sources. The problem is that neither these ancient documents, nor events described therein can be irrefutably dated, moreover they contradict each other for the most part. When a school textbook tells us that Genghis Khan in year X or Alexander in year Y, have each conquered half of the world, it means only that it is so said in some of the written sources. There are no answers to simple questions: When were these primary sources written? Where and by whom were these sources found? It is wrongly presumed that ancient and medieval chronicles, written by Genghis Khan's or Alexander the Great contemporaries and eyewitnesses, are readily available. Actually, only sources written hundreds or even thousands of years after the events are there, compiled mostly in the 16th 18th centuries, or even later. As a rule, these sources suffered considerable multiple manipulations, falsifications and distortions by editing. At the same time, innumerable originals of ancient documents under various pretexts were destroyed in Europe under various pretexts. The names of persons and geographical sites often changed meaning and location during the course of the centuries. Geographical locations became clearly defined on maps only with the advent of printing. This made possible the circulation of identical copies of the same map for purposes of the military, navigation, education and governance tasks. Historians from Oxford say: "hey, everybody knows that Julius Caesar lived in the first century B.C. `Julius Caesar' statement is only a point of view as there is simply no irrefutable documentary proof that Julius Caesar or any other great name of antiquity ever existed. Better than that - extremely rare sources that can be reliably dated back to the 10th-14th centuries A D, do not show the polished picture of classical history. They show a picture both contradictory and confusing. All methods of dating of ancient sources and artefacts are erroneous: Radio-carbon C14 method produces dating with exactitude of plus minus 1500 years, therefore it is too crude for dating of events in historical timeframe! The Almagest tractate, which lies as corner stone contemporary chronology, compiled in the 2nd century A D by Ptolemy, the founding father of astronomy, contains astronomical data of 9th to 16th century! The Bronze Age,that has supposedly began 5000 years ago. Bronze is made of 90% copper and 10% tin, but the technology for tin extraction dates back to 14th century A D!. All eclipses contained in manuscripts, like Thucydides one, relating 'ancient' events have exclusively medieval dating. All horoscopes cut in stone or painted in Egyptian temples, like Dendera have exclusively early medieval dating solutions. Not quite what you have learned in school? Open your eyes, and, you will find sufficient proof to reach step by step the inevitable conclusion that the classical chronology is false and therefore, that the history of ancient and medieval world universally accepted today, is also false. Have a fresh outlook on everything said or printed about "ancient" and "enigmatic" Roman, Greek and Egyptian, medieval as well as all other "lost and found" civilizations. Antiquity and Dark Ages are phantoms invented in the 16th 18th and polished in 19th 20thcenturies. Human civilization is in fact barely 1000 years old! This book will change your perception of History forever! What if Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were invented during Renaissance? What if The Old Testament was a rendition of events of the Middle Ages? What if Jesus Christ was born in 1053 and crucified in 1086 AD? Sounds Unbelievable? Not after you've read "History: Fiction or Science?" by Anatoly Fomenko, the genius mathematician. 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Reggaeton: Hot Latin Hip Hop (Apple Loops - AIFF, REX, WAV)

Over the past several years, reggaeton has emerged from the underground dance scene to storm onto the urban music landscape. Deeply rooted in reggae, dance hall, hip-hop, bomba and merengue, the reggaeton revolution has only just begun. "Reggaeton: Hot Latin Hip Hop" construction kits give you the power to create music with this scorching new Latin sound. Producer Josquin des Pres, along with his Track Star Studios team, once again calls on his vast experience in producing current Hip Hop and Latin music to deliver this authentic collection. So if you're ready to mix up your own brand of hot Latin flavor, turn up the heat with Reggaeton!

Imagine a backdrop of a vast ocean with surging waves for a grand dance called The Eight Immortals Cross the Sea. Or picture a fairyland landscape and palace for a dance called Grinding an Iron Pestle Down to a Needle. These are but two of the many classic creations used as a backdrop by NTDTV for its Chinese New Year Spectacular show playing at New York City Radio City Music Hall from February 14 17.

Tranquil artistic concepts from Chinese paintings and the magnanimous charisma of Western paintings are combined with a hi-tech application of traditional art, photo-electricity and projection used as backdrops. The combination makes for a rare delight of artistic performances. It is not surprising that the show ranked 7th on Billboard Magazines top 10 shows in Feb 2006 based on ticket sales for the 2006 shows at Radio City Music Hall.

Li Wencheng, head of the New England Monte Jade Science and Technology Association, said, The backdrop for the NTDTV Chinese New Year Show is indeed rather unique and the skillful application of projection and photo-electricity has to be the creation of an expert.

The backdrop makers of the NTDTV show have extended the effect of our backdrops to its extreme, noted Radio Citys Manager.

The enormous background screen used during NTDTVs Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall has the effect of bringing the audience into the performance. In a typical stage setting, it is difficult to create a multidimensional effect, even with a large number of performers. The space on stage has limitations, and stage props also often give people a feeling of things being faked.

However, when Soprano-Alto Yang Jiansheng sings a vocal solo, she stands alone on the stage with no accompanying dance or stage props. However, the magnificent backdrop makes the audience feel as though they are right in the midst of the performance.

For example, in the 2006 Chinese New Year Spectacular, throughout the show the backdrop kept changing along with each performance, from misty rain, pavilions and towers, to the water-bound country in south China to shining spears and armored horses and famous mountains and rivers; from green bamboo and red flowers and the change of four seasons to the sun, the moon, the stars and the auspicious clouds in the highest heavens.

Colorful events that took place in the thousands of years of Chinese history were replayed to perfection on stage. The design of the backdrops was definitely the creation of an expert. The backdrops did not use dominant color themes to supersede the performers on the stage. Instead, they provided a very logical and harmonious artistic atmosphere.

Audiences of all ages and walks of life are guaranteed to be impressed by the backdrops in the 2007 show at Radio City Music Hall. Whether for the artistic and technologically advanced use of the screen or the magnificent performances, it is a show you dont want to miss!

Yi Xin is a computer technician, an avid martial artist with a penchant for Chinese History. For more info about the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular in your area, please visit:

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Soundscan 08 - Jazz & Latin Drum Loops - V2 (Audio, WAV, Acid, AIFF, Akai, EXS24, HALion, MachFive, Reason 2, REX)

Jazz and Latino Drum Loops is full to the brim with classic jazz, samba, salsa and bossa rhythms that no programming will ever emulate. The Jazz section features essential ride patterns, with variations, sensational Jazz Breakbeats & brush loops. The Latino section ranges from the most intimate Bossa and the irresistible groove of Zouk to the flourishes of Samba and the rare Songo beats.

If you're browsing the internet in search of a satellite radio service for the US and Canada, then you need only check two websites: Sirius and XMRadio. These two giants are your only options and yet you'll notice striking similarities between the two websites' design, the product pricing and the programmer's stations.

Rumors have been flying around that Sirius and XM will form a ground-breaking merger this year, uniting all 14+ million customers under one banner. However, as of right now, you'll need to know what makes each slightly unique.

Country Music Fans may favor the XM Radio satellite service, which provides listeners with two extra stations - one focusing on Americana Country like Robert Plant or Blackfoot, and the other focusing on Folk Country like Tim Garrison and The Nitty Gritty Band. Both stations have country music from the 80s and 90s, new country, bluegrass and classic country.

Christian Music Fans may favor XM one. This service includes one more Christian music channel than Sirius - in addition to Christian Pop / Rock and Gospel, XM also hosts a Southern Gospel channel with Gold City, Greater Vision and The McKarneys.

Electronic Music Fans will prefer the Sirius service if they'd like a Breakbeat/Old SKool station, in addition to the usual Trance/Progressive stations that both satellite radio services provide. XM has exclusive rights to acclaimed BPM, but Sirius has a special Dance Hits station.

Rock Music Fans will probably prefer Sirius. While XM provides four different "alternative radio" stations, a punk station, a heavy metal station, a jam bands station, a college indie station and three classic rock stations, Sirius gives subscribers roughly 23 stations with everything that XM's service has -- plus New Wave, Glam Metal, Jimmy Buffet, Grateful Dead, Elvis, Canadian rock, UK rock, Garage, 60s Rock, 70s Rock and an additional punk/ska station.

World Music Fans will find that both service providers offering two French stations, but Spanish-speaking subscribers will find XM the better option, since they offer Rock En Espanol, Regional Mexican, Latin Pop, Latin Jazz, Hispanic Rhythmic and Spanish AC. Sirius, on the other hand, has only one Spanish music station for Latin Pop. Additionally, XM has a station for African and a business station in Italian.

Rap and Hip Hop Fans may prefer XM because their service focuses on more Soul and Funk, along with uncensored Hip Hop and Urban Contemporary -- unless they're big Slim Shady fans, in which case they may need Sirius Radio's Eminem station.

In some ways, XM Radio caters to the aging population with Good Morning America, Casey Casem's Top 40 Countdown, Theme Time with Bob Dylan and Wolfman Jack. On the other hand, Sirius Radio goes after the 20-somethings crowd with Bam Marguera, Howard Stern, Jamie Foxx and Tony Hawk shows. However, both satellite radio service providers are likely to give you something you can enjoy.

Sports Fans will find many similarities in XM and Sirius service options. For instance, both providers have ESPN, Nascar and NHL exclusives, as well as both college and NFL football. XM gives better golf / PGA Tour coverage and Fox Sports, while Sirius gives better NBA coverage. On XM, catch shows with Jimmy Johnson, Dale Jr, Coach K, James Carville, Luke Russert and Cal Ripkin.

With the Delphi SkiFi2 radio, you can get a sports ticker to show game scores on your display screen and the SportsCaster comes with 30 sports presets programmed in. However, Sirius gives you game alerts, 30 presets and lists all your favorite teams in one category with the Sportster and Streamer satellite radios. Additionally, get exclusive programming with Jerry Rice, Daryl Johnston, Randy Cross, Adam Schein, Shannon Sharpe, Ray Evernham, Tony Stewart, Rick Ackerman and Frank Isola.

Whichever satellite radio service you prefer, you'll be surprised to find that both are competitively priced at $13/month and most of the radio components cost from $20 - $200. However, which ever service you choose for now, you will still need to purchase a satellite radio receiver and luckily, most of the satellite radios will work in your home and in your car.

Get all the information you need on the satellite radio service providers from Mike Selvon's portal, and leave a comment at his satellite radio network blog.

90's dance music

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COLDPLAY Twisted Logic Tour - French Music Poster 118x78cm

If you're like me, when you first started playing the drums you may have been a little concerned that your neighbors would call the police on you. Or worse, your family would stone you to death!

Some people just can't handle the volume, but don't worry, if you're just starting out, your dreams of becoming a great drummer can still come true.

There are some quick fixes to help keep your family, friends, and neighbors at peace while still allowing you to drum. Just follow these four solid drum tips...

1. Communicate

Typically, your family and neighbors are the ones who are most affected by your choice to drum. So, the considerate, and smart thing to do is have a little talk with these people and work out a way for everyone to agree.

Find out if there are better and worse times for you to practice your drums. Just never assume anything! Sometimes people can get really agitated about something, but just never speak up about it. You don't want any "silent enemies." These kind tend to talk behind your back!

2. Invest in Drum and Cymbal Mutes

Personally, I have a full shag carpet in my practice room. I even have it going half way up the walls. It does a great job of keeping the sound right there in my room.

But, if you're not interested in a shag carpet for whatever reason, consider investing in practice pads for your drumset. These drum accessories significantly reduce the amount of sound your drums and cymbals send out.

I'll be the first to admit that playing with pads isn't near as much fun as playing without them, but they sure make you appreciate the sound of your drumset when it's not muted.

3. Soundproof Your Practice Room

You really don't have to spend a lot of money soundproofing your practice room. like professional drummers do.

You can easily create your own soundproof room with some carpet scraps. I have already mentioned that I have a shag carpet on my floor and walls and it does an excellent job. The only time my neighbors hear me drum is if I open my windows, which I do sometimes on a rare occasion if I'm feeling a little assertive.

Anyway, carpet scraps provide excellent soundproofing! Go to your local carpet store and ask for some free scraps. Then, apply them on the walls and ceiling of your drum practice room. If these carpet scraps are really thin, then layer them.

4. Play Electronic Drums

An electronic drumset is not for everybody. In fact, some drummers just hate them because they say they are not really drums. The theory is, drums are supposed to be an acoustic instrument, and by plugging something in to an electrical outlet, it is no longer acoustic.

Whatever your theory is, if you live in a small space and have really no other way to keep your volume low enough to please everyone, an electronic drumset may be the best solution.

With the option to adjust the volume in your headphones, you can actually drum as loud as you want. It's just that you are the only one who can hear it.


The only thing louder than you on your drums are the people who are screaming at you to knock it off.

People will try to steal your fun on the drumset because they just can't handle the volume, which is understandable. Don't let anyone steal your fun! Bang on your drums all day, but bang on them using some consideration, and you can then bang in peace.

Danny Brown has been drumming since 1976, and is the author of "The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Drums and Cymbals!" Subscribe to his Free Newsletter and learn the mental aspect of drumming! Find out what it really takes to truly be a great drummer...

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City of Men

As Seen on the SUNDANCE CHANNELFrom the team behind the Academy Award®-nominated feature CITY OF GOD including directors Fernando Meirelles (THE CONSTANT GARDNER) and K tia Lund comes the hit Brazilian television series CITY OF MEN a comedy/drama about two teenage boys growing up in a dangerous Rio de Janeiro slum starring Darlan Cunha and Douglas Silva featured in the motion picture that inspired this series.The CITY is a shantytown located in one of the many mountains of Rio de Janeiro. The MEN are two 13-year-old kids Laranjinha and Acerola. This series brilliantly mixes humor and reality to explore life in the "favelas" and in particular the indomitable spirit of two best friends growing up in one of most volatile communities in the world.System Requirements:Run Time: 570 minutesFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: TELEVISION/SERIES & SEQUELS Rating: NR UPC: 660200314125 Manufacturer No: PALMDV3141
Customer Review: Close to being brilliant!!
"If you die your son will be like us. Fatherless." From a film-makers point of view, this film is a daunting task. It has many characters but still grasps your attention. There are so many very good foreign language films nowadays. I thought Tsotsi was top notch and now, City of Men. I mean, wow! The characters in the film are young men involved in gangs, carefully woven in their anger and paranoid youth is a sense of dread and being doomed. Excellent drama. This is a must watch for anyone who's remotely interested. There will be a scene where you will laugh really really hard. There's a little kid in the film that you'll want to cuddle. You'll never want to live the character's life though. Also ... it actually made me think about something most men don't ever think of. It's about fatherhood. Before I become incoherent, I'll just end by saying, this film is going to do really well and is a must must watch. Thankyou for reading.
This series does not follow the exact story or timeline as the movie City Of God but it takes place in Rio de Janeiro in the Favela. I was entertained and pleased with the acting, cinematography, and realness. I almost felt that I was there and I could have been there in my younger years.

If asked to name a piano piece that is near-perfect, one noted example comes to mind for many people. That piece is Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy. Clair de Lune, the third and most famous movement of Debussy's Suite Bergamasque, has entranced listening ears for over century. It has been the inspiration for many dramatic film sequences, as well as the song "When You Wish Upon a Star" from Disney's Pinocchio.

The son of a china shop owner and a seamstress, Claude Debussy began to reveal his brilliance at the age of seven when he started learning the intricacies of the piano. He soon attracted the attention of Mme. de Fleurville, whose son-in-law, French poet Paul Verlaine, would help inspire the piece with one of his poems. Verlaine was also acquainted with Frederique Chopin, as he was one of Chopin's pupils.

Debussy began his proper musical studies at the illustrious Paris Conservatory at the age of eleven. He spent twelve years studying under the giants of the age, stealing their secrets and arguing against the rigidity of the musical theory of the day. Debussy favored dissonance, which was a thorn in the side of his more strictly harmonious teachers. His love of experimentation, however, proved to be his greatest musical asset.

Early works by Debussy were heavily influenced by both his love of Richard Wagner's operas and his general distaste for the operas of Italian luminaries such as Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi, who was one of the reigning kings of the style. Though Wagner had been dead for several years before Debussy discovered his works, a cult had grown up around his music.

Wagner's influence was not to last, though, as Debussy's pieces tended to be more introverted than the extravagant Wagnerian sounds. He wrote his Suite Bergamasque, containing Clair de Lune, in his late 20s. As a sublime example of Debussy's sensual, quiet style, Clair de Lune may be perhaps his most lasting gift to the music world.

This lustrous piece was inspired, as were his earlier pieces, by one of his friend Verlaine's poems. Verlaine's poem "Clair de Lune" contains a reference to a bergamask, a clumsy dance performed by the natives of Bergamo. The French spelling of bergamask gives the entire suite its memorable name. The name "Clair de Lune," literally translated as "moonlight," is a perfect name, since the piece gives distinct images of moonlight with its rolling notes and glorious harmonies.

Played properly, Clair de Lune requires a technical mastery of sweeping left hand movements and modulations in intensity to reach its timeless quality of melodic and counter-melodic beauty. While the piece is played mostly pianissimo, its brief journeys into louder dynamic ranges present a need for a highly-developed knowledge of the keyboard. This, combined with the ability to re-interpret the feel of the music according to one's own personality, makes Clair de Lune music that has stood the test of time. It is a piece that is constantly evolving, living and breathing in the fingers of pianists the world over.

Duane Shinn is the author of over 300 DVD home study courses on playing piano, all available at "Piano Playing For Busy Adults".

90s dance music

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Customer Review: vocables in unison with jazz piano - nice!
Nice jazz outing! Often, Tania sings the melody line with vocables in unison with the piano an octave or two higher. She phrases her voice melodies like any other wind instrument, say, sax or flute. There are no lyrics and no "solos," scatting or instrumental. She and her small group get a groove going - maybe funky, maybe bluesy, maybe a bit of swing, maybe a bit of bossa feel - then sings/plays a catchy melody on top. It would be classified as a jazz recording, the "Brazil feel" comes out a bit but is not predominant composition, arrangement, or performance. Very nice music.
Customer Review: DON'T judge this album by it's COVER !
I was just scanning brazilian jass stuff one day and came upon TM by accident.WOW.At the price, I could take a chance and glad I did.This woman does not scat (if that is the right term) like Bobby Mc Ferrin---who is so obviously making crazy sounds that only embarrass me at times.......ha !Tania Maria's voice IS another insturment !Jazzy/and slightly funky...... she will MAKE you like brazilian music !

Music can help to create the right atmosphere and set the mood during the wedding ceremony and during the wedding celebrations. Deciding which music should be played at you wedding is one of the most important decisions you need to make when planning your special day.

An important factor in choosing your music is the setting for your wedding ceremony. If your ceremony will be in a church or synagogue, you will probably be required to stay within the guidelines set by the Church or synagogue.

There are two aspects of wedding music that need to be addressed when planning your big day. First, you may wish to select certain music or arrange for professional soloists or musicians to play during the actual wedding ceremony. But at the wedding reception, it's pretty much anything goes when it comes to selecting wedding music, provided it's tasteful. Everyone's requirements are different so don't be afraid to discuss any special requirements with whoever you're hiring.

Start planning your wedding music early. Good talent gets booked fast and you don't want to end up having to select the brand new DJ with only a few weddings under his belt or something even worse. Booking your music a full year in advance is advisable but at a minimum, you should know who will be showing up and what he or she will be playing at least six months prior to the wedding date.

For most weddings, selecting the music for the wedding ceremony isn't that complicated because most often, it's controlled by the person in charge at the location where the ceremony will take place. When you're researching your wedding ceremony options, be sure to inquire about any guidelines with respect to wedding ceremony music as these could possibly impact your decision. If the ceremony is being held outdoors, check for electrical hook-ups or book live musicians.

Wedding music during the ceremony is basically secondary to the ceremony itself so the music is really meant to sort of 'fill in the gaps' during the non-speaking periods such as while guests are being seated, during the procession, and while lighting the unity candles. Of course, it's your wedding and it can be custom-designed.

The music that's played at the reception, however, is going to mean the difference between a successful reception and one that's ho-hum. And this is where things can start to get complicated. When you begin searching for wedding reception music, you'll realize rather quickly that you have a lot of options. You can book a live band, or a DJ that'll play pre-recorded music, or you can buy that CD full of top wedding songs and have someone act as the DJ.

It's important that you both agree on the type of wedding music you want played at your reception. There are 'traditional' songs that almost always are played at certain points during the reception such as the father/daughter dance, the cake cutting, the dollar dance and so on. And then there is all the music in between. Do you want jazz, country, R&B, new age, Italian, Latin, Jewish-inspired, or a little bit of everything? That's an important decision to make because the musicians you select have to be able to deliver what you want or you won't be happy.

Your specific choice of music should be discussed with the musicians well before the event and they should be able to provide you with some ideas. Try to book experienced professionals for your wedding music. Always ask for and check references. Even contact the Better Business Bureau. If booking live talent, arrange to hear a live performance before booking. Scrutinize the contract before signing to make sure all parties agree on the number of hours music will be provided and that everything that has been agreed to is in writing. Find out the cancellation and refund policy, too.

Your wedding day will be one of the most treasured memories of your life. Selecting the right wedding music can take a lot of time and effort, so start planning early.

Copyright 2005. Clive Chansa writes for the Music Shop at and he also contributes articles and reviews at: regularly.

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History: Fiction or Science? (Chronology, No. 1)

Recorded history is a finely-woven magic fabric of intricate lies about events predating the sixteenth century. There is not a single piece of evidence that can be reliably and independently traced back earlier than the eleventh century. This book details events that are substantiated by hard facts and logic, and validated by new astronomical research and statistical analysis of ancient sources.

Customer Review: Treading on sore toes?
The professional historians faint as prominent mathematician Doctor Fomenko et al research the known historical data and come to fairly controversial conclusions. For example, the English historians rage at the suggestion that the history of Ancient England was de facto a Byzantine import transplanted to the English soil by the fugitive Byzantine nobility. As the sign of recognition of the special role of the English historians who consider themselves the true scribes of World History, the cover of the present book portrays Tintoretto's Jesus Christ crucified on the Big Ben. The Russian historians brand it as pseudoscience because Dr Fomenko asserts that there was no such thing as the Tartar and Mongol invasion followed by over two centuries of slavery, providing a formidable body of documental evidence to prove his assertion. The so-called `Tartars and Mongols' were the actual ancestors of the modern Russians, living in a trilingual state and aspiring Global Empire with Arabic and Turkic spoken as freely as Russian. The ancient proto-Russian state was governed by a double structure of civil and military authorities and the hordes were actually professional armies with a tradition of lifelong conscription (the recruitment being the so-called `blood tax'). Their `invasions' were punitive operations against the regions that attempted tax evasion. Fomenko proves for a fact that official Russian history is a blatant forgery concocted by a host of German scholars brought to Russia by the usurper dynasty of the Romanovs. Their ascension to the throne was the result of conspiracy, so they charged these German historians-imports with the noble mission of making Romanov's reign look legitimate. Dr Fomenko et al prove Ivan the Terrible to be a collation of four rulers, no less. These rulers represented the two rival dynasties - the legitimate Godounovs and the ambitious Romanov upstarts. The European historians fume not only because Fomenko blows consensual Russian history to smithereens, successfully removing a crucial cornerstone from underneath the otherwise impeccable edifice of World History but for asserting that all medieval European Kings and Princes were but breakaway vice-regents and vassals of the Global Empire who badly needed glorious and very `ancient' past in order to legitimize their new independence from the Empire. Dr Fomenko adds insult to injury, wiping out one by one: the Ancient Rome: the foundation of Rome in Italy is dated to the 14th century A. D., the Ancient Greece and its numerous poleis, which he identifies as the mediaeval crusader settlements on the territory of Greece, the Ancient Egypt: the pyramids of Giza become dated to the 11th to 14th century A. D. and identified as the royal cemetery of the Global Empire, no less. The civilization of the `ancient'' Egypt is irrefutably dated to the 11th to 15th century A. D. following the breakthrough in decoding of the ancient Egyptian horoscopes cut in stone and painted on the temple walls. Arabic historians may find some consolation in the crucial historical role of the Ottoman Empire as a part of the Global empire in the 15th - 17th century. The trouble is that this Empire was initially a proto-Christian state, with Hagia Sophia identifiable as Temple of Solomon, but built in 1550-1557 A.D. by Sultan Suleiman according to Fomenko and Islam with all its key figures is datable to 15th 16th century A. D.! The Chinese historians are also an unhappy lot because Fomenko wipes out the Ancient History of China outright. No such history. Period. The compilation of the so-called Ancient Chinese History is reliably datable to the 17th 18th century only. It is perfectly recognizable as the Ancient European history, reworked and transcribed in hieroglyphs as yet another historical transplantation. The Divinity excommunicates Dr Fomenko because the history of religions according to Fomenko looks as follows: the pre-Christian period (before the 11th century and Jesus Christ ), Bacchic Christianity (11th to 12th century, before and after Jesus Christ), Jesus Christ Christianity (12th to 14th century) and its subsequent mutations (15th to 17th cy) into Orthodox Christianity, the Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, and so on..; and The Old Testament written after the New Testament in xiv-xvi cy A.D., if you please! Everybody served? Saint Augustine was quite prescient when he said: "be wary of mathematicians, particularly when they speak the truth."
Customer Review: Has history been tampered with?
Watch Video Here: Has history been tampered with? Yes, it has! Did events and eras such as the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Roman Empire , the Dark Ages, and the Renaissance, actually occur within a very different chronology from what we've been told? Yes, they certainly did! The history of humankind is both drastically shorter and dramatically different than generally presumed. Why is it so? On one hand, it was usual custom to justify the claims to title and land by age and ancestry, and on the other the court historians knew only too well how to please their masters. The so called universal classic world history is a pack of intricate lies for all events prior to the 16th century. World history as we learn it today was entirely fabricated in the 16th-18th centuries. It's likely that nobody told you before, but there is not a single piece of firm written evidence or artefact that is reliably and independently dated prior to the 11th century. Naturally, after what you've learned in school and university, you will not easily believe that the classical history of ancient Rome, Greece, Asia, Egypt, China, Japan, India, etc., is manifestly false. You will point accusing finger to the pyramids in Egypt, to the Coliseum in Rome and Great Wall of China etc., and claim, aren't they really ancient, thousands of years ancient? Well, there is no valid scientific proof that they are older than 1000 years! The oldest original written document that can be reliably dated belongs to the 11th century! New research asserts that Homo sapiens invented writing (including hieroglyphics) only 1000 years ago. Once invented, writing skills were immediately and irreversibly put to the use of ruling powers and science. The consensual chronology we live with was essentially crafted in the 16th century by the Jesuits. The world history was compiled from contradictory mix of innumerable copies of ancient Latin and Greek manuscripts and other irrefutable proofs delivered by late mediaeval astronomers that were cemented by the authority of writings of the Church Fathers. Early in life, we learn about ancient history. Children love the magical lessons of history - they are like fairy tales. Teachers recite breathtaking stories; very soon We learn by heart the names and deeds of brave warriors, wise philosophers, fabulous pharaohs, cunning high priests and greedy scribes. We learn of gigantic pyramids and sinister castles, kings and queens, dukes and barons, powerful heroes and beautiful ladies, emaciated saints and low-life traitors. Ancient history is based documents, manuscripts, printed books, paintings, monuments and artefacts - called primary sources. The problem is that neither these ancient documents, nor events described therein can be irrefutably dated, moreover they contradict each other for the most part. When a school textbook tells us that Genghis Khan in year X or Alexander in year Y, have each conquered half of the world, it means only that it is so said in some of the written sources. There are no answers to simple questions: When were these primary sources written? Where and by whom were these sources found? It is wrongly presumed that ancient and medieval chronicles, written by Genghis Khan's or Alexander the Great contemporaries and eyewitnesses, are readily available. Actually, only sources written hundreds or even thousands of years after the events are there, compiled mostly in the 16th 18th centuries, or even later. As a rule, these sources suffered considerable multiple manipulations, falsifications and distortions by editing. At the same time, innumerable originals of ancient documents under various pretexts were destroyed in Europe under various pretexts. The names of persons and geographical sites often changed meaning and location during the course of the centuries. Geographical locations became clearly defined on maps only with the advent of printing. This made possible the circulation of identical copies of the same map for purposes of the military, navigation, education and governance tasks. Historians from Oxford say: "hey, everybody knows that Julius Caesar lived in the first century B.C. `Julius Caesar' statement is only a point of view as there is simply no irrefutable documentary proof that Julius Caesar or any other great name of antiquity ever existed. Better than that - extremely rare sources that can be reliably dated back to the 10th-14th centuries A D, do not show the polished picture of classical history. They show a picture both contradictory and confusing. All methods of dating of ancient sources and artefacts are erroneous: Radio-carbon C14 method produces dating with exactitude of plus minus 1500 years, therefore it is too crude for dating of events in historical timeframe! The Almagest tractate, which lies as corner stone contemporary chronology, compiled in the 2nd century A D by Ptolemy, the founding father of astronomy, contains astronomical data of 9th to 16th century! The Bronze Age,that has supposedly began 5000 years ago. Bronze is made of 90% copper and 10% tin, but the technology for tin extraction dates back to 14th century A D!. All eclipses contained in manuscripts, like Thucydides one, relating 'ancient' events have exclusively medieval dating. All horoscopes cut in stone or painted in Egyptian temples, like Dendera have exclusively early medieval dating solutions. Not quite what you have learned in school? Open your eyes, and, you will find sufficient proof to reach step by step the inevitable conclusion that the classical chronology is false and therefore, that the history of ancient and medieval world universally accepted today, is also false. Have a fresh outlook on everything said or printed about "ancient" and "enigmatic" Roman, Greek and Egyptian, medieval as well as all other "lost and found" civilizations. Antiquity and Dark Ages are phantoms invented in the 16th 18th and polished in 19th 20thcenturies. Human civilization is in fact barely 1000 years old! This book will change your perception of History forever! What if Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were invented during Renaissance? What if The Old Testament was a rendition of events of the Middle Ages? What if Jesus Christ was born in 1053 and crucified in 1086 AD? Sounds Unbelievable? Not after you've read "History: Fiction or Science?" by Anatoly Fomenko, the genius mathematician. Armed with astronomy and computers Anatoly Fomenko turns History into a rocket science.

Theres no doubt that tech is projected to be big for the 2007 Christmas gift season. Anything that can be plugged in or turned on is cool in the eyes of children. And children are becoming tech-savy at a much younger age. If you haven't taken a look at kids' toys lately, you may well be suprised. Even baby toys mimic adult technology. Toddler toy laptops, cell phones and digital cameras all popular toys today.

But not all parents embrace that trend, thinking that expensive technical toys for small children encourages computer-addicted couch potatoes. Many parents long for the classic toys of their own youth - the simple bicycle, Mr. Potato Head, or a simple wooden train. The problem is, most kids are exposed to the high tech toys somewhere - in school, visiting the homes of others, or in the media - so the old stand-bys don't seem as exciting today, and in the eyes of our children, are quite dated.

And, with childhood obesity on the rise, parents have a hard time embracing toys that encourage children to veg in the front of a computer or TV screen. We welcome inexpensive toys that combine technology (because it's not going away) with classic learning and exercise. Some toymakers have answered our call. Here are five inexpensive, fun and popular toys that combine tech with exercise and learning.

1. Fisher-Price Smart Cycle: The Fisher-Price Smart Cycle combines exercise, education, and video game-type fun all into one toy. This toy is a bike that attaches to your TV. Your child has to petal the bike in order to play the game and steers handlebars that actually move. In essence, children are getting exercise and learning coordination while in video game nirvana. The games included are educational and allow your child to pursue alphabet letters, take a trip to math mountain, and explore shape lake. Fischer Price also offers software with favorite TV characters (like Sponge Bob, Barbie and Dora) so your child doesnt get bored. Priced at about $90, its the most expensive toy on this list, but still pretty cheap by tech standards.

2. LeapFrog 100 Hoops Basketball Counting Game: This is the only childs basketball game that teaches number recognition and counting (all the way to 100 in both English and Spanish). It features built-in rally and cheering sounds to encourage your child to exercise while he learns regular and skip counting (by 5s and 10s) to 100. The game is completely portable and can he attached to a chair, wall, or door knob or can be taken outside and hung on a tree. Priced under $25.

3. Leap Frog Leap Learn & Groove Alphabet Drum: Its no wonder this toy was winner of the 2006 iParenting Media Greatest Products Award. Priced at under $15, this toy not only encourages physical activity, rhythm and fine motor development, it also teaches language and music. It has two programs. Children can either simply make music with it, or it can be programmed to display or speak letters of the alphabet to encourage early letter recognition.

4. Discovery Exclusive Ready Set Learn! Jump & Dance Music Mat: This item is among the Discovery Stores best sellers. This toy allows your child to exercise by dancing and hoping, while it also encourages problem solving, creative play skills, and fine motor skills. Kids can chose to either dance to their own routines while the music follows their moves or they can repeat pre-programmed routines which light up with every move. This item is under $30.

5. Leap Frog Learn & Groove Counting Maracas: Similar to the above mentioned Alphabet Drum, the counting maracas operate on the same principal of children making music and exercising while learning. The maracas teach counting from 1-10 in English and Spanish and introduce colors as well. This gem of a toy is under $15.

S. Dean is a mother of two, researcher and freelance writer. Her "Best Kids Christmas Gifts" Website is located at

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Legendary saxophonist extraordinario Kenny G returns with this romantic collection of Latin music, featuring original songs and classic favorites. Contemporary love songs with a Latin twist!!! Kenny G: THE SMOOTH JAZZ KING!

Has SOLD MORE THAN 38 MILLION CDs in his career!



Customer Review: SAXOLOCO put on your dancin 'shoes
Im far from a Kenny G fan, but another late night comin home from a ballgame , another 6 innings at 3rd base gig, tired and on an adrenaline journey I had to wait 30 minutes, parked in my Metro Atlanta driveway! why?, this song reached out over WJZC and grabbed me by the collar sayin..."Hold on mon!! dis is a gateway tune!!! find out who this is, although Kenny's distinctive soprano sax shouldve alerted me. Gateway indeed, up temp and pleasantly surprising moving me from that post game mood into a grab my babe, put on my dancin shoes, and Brasilia, here we come!!! I could care less about the criticisms, the minutia or esoterica, by other reviewers of more "refined" jazz tastes.... these songs, individually, or collectively made me feel good, perhaps its cause my babe/lady/ wife is lightly latin and these songs got me ready to move n groove... SAXOLOCO was the door opener for a pleasently refreshing, mood enhancing experience for me/us.... Hey isnt dat what de moosic spose to do bro!!!! garmankirk
Customer Review: GREAT CD
I bought this CD for my parents who love to ballroom dance. THEY LOVED THIS CD!!!!!!

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Con Bajo Y Todo

If ballroom dancing is a past time of yours that you enjoy but you suffer from a verruca, then you will understand the importance of wearing the right shoes. However, even though the right footwear is worn on the feet it is still no guarantee there will be no discomfort. Treatment is needed so that you may continue in upping your performance on the dance floor like that of Mr Gene Kelly. If your dancing has been put on hold because of this problem, then speak with your doctor for advice on how to ease the discomfort so that you can dance again.

A verruca (plantar wart) is a type of wart found on the lower limb (sole of the foot). It is no different to that of a common wart as we know them - but because of the body weight pressing down onto the verruca it then becomes painful and sore. The appearance of this foot wart - is slightly raised and round with a thickened edge of surrounding skin. Other signs and strong points to look out for - to decipher this type of verruca is that of fine tiny black dots. It is not uncommon to find a cluster of them to appear all together.

A mound/clump or clusters of small warts are referred to as 'mosaic warts' - these you will be happy to hear are usually painless. If you are a concerned parent and worried about the children developing warts then do not worry because, this type of verruca in minors - tend to appear and then disappear. I don`t want to burst any ones bubble but warts on adults can persist for a long time (years) if left unattended (not treated).
Just like other warts, a verruca can stem from the strains of the papillomavirus.

Do not be alarmed but papillomavirus is present in huge amounts on a vast majority of different humans which is carried on the surface of their skin. This will not cause any harm or cause problems unless it pierces the skin. Unhealthy and neglected skin e.g. skin with fine cracks on the surface may well be the likely place for this to happen.

There is no real proven guarantee that a verruca is picked up in swimming pools as a great many people are led to believe. In saying that, there is without a doubt plenty of papillomavirus around swimming pools etc, particularly so in the shower area. Remember you are very unlikely to get a verruca if your skin is without flaws. A good idea to minimize any risk if this is a big worry for you is, to consider wearing flip-flops or open sandals in the shower.

If those dancing shoes are left on the shelf for to long - you may just forget how to tango or rumba. Some good advice is to pop along to the doctor so that he/she can check you over. Try not swap shoes.

Worried about your health -

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Being a die-hard fan of the popular Bleach anime myself, I have explored a variety of websites and came across various interesting ways of watching Bleach anime videos. Finding a streaming website isn't really a difficult issue, however, to find a website that provides you a variety of information on your favourite anime would definitely be worth your attention.

The fascinating part about Bleach anime is its enormous cast of characters. Bleach characters consist of the Captains of Soul Society, the current foes of Espada to the oncoming ranks of Vizard. The variety of weapons which every character possesses, termed as Zanpakuto, contains a unique feature to its own, and these special features create a sense of mystery to the new oncoming bleach characters that will possess new Zanpakuto.

Apart from watching the latest Bleach episodes, a true anime fan looks into other aspects such as the soundtracks, movies, histories and even studies the creator of the anime. First and foremost, let us look into the Bleach soundtrack or OST. While enjoying the visual effects of the anime, enchanting music and sound effects are always utilized to support the high action movements. This music triggers your emotion and evokes the burning desire within you which enhances the show to be immensely exciting.

The reason why we are able to enjoy Bleach anime today is due to the effort and perseverance of the creator Noriaki Kubo, also known as Tite Kubo. Long ago, Bleach was initially rejected by Weekly Shonen Jump for publication as it resembles Yu Yu Hakush in many aspects. Therefore, only a controlled group of readers are given the opportunity to read. In addition, the chances of an official publication were very slim.

The rejection has very much discouraged Tite Kubo. However, Akira Toriyama, the creator of the mega hit Dragonball series, has inspired him to persevere. In 2001, Bleach was published in Weekly Shonen Jump, achieving more then 300 chapters, plus an anime adaptation begun broadcasting in Japan in 2004. Bleach manga was named a winner of the Shogakukan Manga Award for its category in 2005. In 2006, the very first Bleach movie was broadcasted in Japan, following a second movie in the last quarter of 2007. Bleach has succeeded in becoming a mega hit in both the manga and anime world today.

Now, I would like to recommend the best Bleach anime site which combines all these key components, allowing all Bleach fans to enjoy watching Bleach episodes and acquiring useful information at the same time. Remember, the Ultimate Bleach Site understands Ultimate Bleach Fans by providing Ultimate Bleach Information.

Discover the Ultimate Bleach Anime Site that provides you with wealth of information such as episodes, latest characters, Soundtracks and many other interesting news about Bleach. Watch Bleach Anime Videos today; it will definitely rock your world!

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Whipped Cream & Other Delights (40th Anniversary Edition)

40th Anniversary Edition Of The Classic Album!

1965's Whipped Cream & Other Delights transformed Herb Alpert & The Tijuana into bonafide superstars, spending an incredible 8 straight weeks at the top of the charts. The album was not only memorable for its music, but for the iconic cover art which featured model Dolores Erickson strategically swathed in whipped cream. The original twelve tracks revolve around the theme of food and include such classics the triple Grammy-winning hit, "A Taste of Honey" and the Dating Game theme "Whipped Cream." This special 40th Anniversary edition features two studio bonus tracks along with a 20-page booklet and a collector's poster.

Each album in the Herb Alpert Signature Series features meticulously remastered sound, deluxe packaging, detailed liner notes, and an intro by Herb Alpert containing personal recollections and anecdotes.
Customer Review: My own "Whipped Cream" fantasy
I have fond memories of this album from my childhood. I remember my mother trying to hide the album cover because it was so racy for the times(at least in So. LA). But the folks did play it often. The music is still great. It sound as wonderful today as it did forty years ago. It stands the test of time.
Customer Review: Yummy Whipped Cream
Herb Alpert is one of the great trumpet players and this album shows that. I could listen to him for hours.

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As a previous article (Making Better Word Choices 4 Examples) explained, writers can take steps to prevent simple, and common, errors from degrading their writing. Five areas of writing that cause authors problems are discussed in this article.

Split Infinitives

First let us exam the famously frowned upon split infinitive. Maybe some readers do not know, or do not remember, what a split infinitive is exactly. To understand split infinitives readers must first remember what constitutes an infinitive. An infinitive is a phrase that includes a verb preceded by the word to, such as, to play or to investigate. Now that we know what an infinitive is maybe we remember our English teachers lecturing us against splitting them. Simply put, a split infinitive is when a writer puts a word between the word to and the associated verb. Therefore, a split infinitive would look something like the following examples:

He was going to quickly investigate the theft.

Tommy likes to neatly color in his book.

These two examples would be re-written as shown below.

He was going to investigate the theft quickly.


He was quickly going to investigate the theft.

Tommy likes to color neatly in his book.


Tommy likes to color in his book neatly.

Splitting infinitives is not criticized to the degree it has been in the past. As many reputable sources explain, occasionally splitting an infinitive is acceptable. Even some progressive English teachers will agree with this idea.

Compact Oxford Online Dictionary explains that the rule for not splitting infinitives was based on an analogy to Latin, a language that writes infinitives as one word, such as bibere to drink. The decision to argue with an English teacher about the acceptance of splitting infinitives is your decision to make.

As Oxford states, in standard English the use of split infinitives is broadly accepted as both normal and useful.1 If you do decide to argue with an English teacher, feel free to point out that people such as John Donne, William Wordsworth, and Benjamin Franklin split infinitives at will. The larger problem occurs when a writer consistently splits their infinitives. If splitting the infinitive helps with emphasis or the statement flows better go ahead and split the infinitive.

Superlatives and Comparatives

Writers should also strive to use superlatives and comparatives correctly. Some cases of incorrect use may sound okay, but if the author remembers the rules that they learned for using superlatives and comparatives they will realize that they have made the error. For example when a sentence is written as below it sounds correct, but it is not.

One of the most common mistakes a cook makes is not using fresh ingredients.

In this example, the lack of fresh ingredients is either a common mistake or it is the most common mistake; there generally cannot be two, or more, most common mistakes. A case where there can be two mosts is in an exact tie. For example, if 20 mistakes are made and two of them occur six times each (making up 12 of the 20 mistakes) and the remaining eight mistakes are all different, then the two mistakes that occurred six times each could be labeled as the most common mistakes.

The sentence below shows another way that a comparative can be written incorrectly.

Of the three dogs, the bulldog was the smaller.

To use a comparative there needs to be something compared to something else. The bulldog either was the smallest of the three dogs or was smaller than another dog in the group. Both sentences below are written correctly.

The bulldog was smaller than the German shepherd and the St. Bernard.

The bulldog was the smallest of the three dogs.

A third sentence, shown below would also be correct.

The bulldog was smaller than the other two dogs.

This is written correctly because the bulldog is compared to a pair. It is clear from the sentence that the other two dogs, by being grouped together, are larger than the bulldog.

Comma Use

The use of commas can be confusing for many writers. Three rules for using commas are addressed here. The first rule involves comma use when a series is given, such as in the example below.

I bought carrots, peas, and watermelons.

Some readers may consider this rule controversial; some teachers and editors may say the final comma is not necessary, in my opinion the use of the final comma is more appropriate than not. If, for some reason, your teacher or editor tells you the final comma is unnecessary then ask them to explain why, I do not have an explanation as to why some have a preference for not using the final comma.

Do not use a comma when only two items are in the series, such as in the sentence below.

I saw birds and fish at the pet store.

The second rule for use of commas is to use a comma before the and when a wholly correct clause is introduced. The way to determine if the clause is wholly correct is to ask if it makes sense on its own, such as having its own subject(s) and verb(s). The example below shows two clauses separated by and, along with a correctly used comma.

We went to the store, and Joan bought some juice.

The third rule is an extension of the second rule; do not use a comma to separate a sentence from text that could not be a complete clause on its own. The example below shows an incorrect use of a comma in this situation.

We are going home, and sleep.

The ending of the example sentence (and sleep) is not a complete sentence on its own, therefore, a comma should not be used before and.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Completely spell out acronyms and abbreviations the first time they are used. Once a writer decides to use an acronym or abbreviation they should be used throughout the remainder of the text, switching back and forth between the full spelling and the acronym or abbreviation should be avoided.

Using etc., i.e., and e.g.

The final rules discussed in this article involve the use of several common abbreviations. The first abbreviation is etc. This comes from Latin and is an abbreviation for et cetera, which means and others.

First, make sure that a period is included at the end; second, make sure that the others have been specified previously. A final note on this abbreviation, if it is used put the letters in the correct order; ect. is not correct.

The second abbreviation often misused is i.e. Also from Latin, this is a shortened form of id est which means that is. When used correctly this abbreviation indicates an alternative way of stating something. The most common error when using i.e. is not following it with a comma; there should be two periods and a comma in this abbreviation.

The final abbreviation discussed in this article is e.g. Again, this is an abbreviation for a Latin phrase, exempla gratia. This is used when the writer means for example or for instance. Some people believe that e.g. stands for example given, this is not true, but it can be a helpful way to remember that it does have something to do with an example. Similar to the use of i.e. many writers forget to put a comma after the second period in e.g. Below are three correct examples of these abbreviations.

Bob bought a whole bunch of office supplies, pens, pencils, staples, paper, highlighters, and erasers on his way home. He purchased so many things that when he got home he realized that he had forgotten a bag at the store. He had his pens and pencils, but the staples etc. were still at the store.

John is a big person, i.e., he is over six feet tall.

The black horse is fast, e.g., it has won all of its races.

By using the rules above your writing will make more sense and will be correct. Future articles will address other writing errors and provide additional advice.

1 Compact Oxford Online Dictionary. 25 January 2005.

David is the owner of Blue Arch Consulting, a proofreading and editing business helping clients worldwide to generate English documents of all types. Their website is at

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