Friday, August 29, 2008

tipica 73

Complete information about SALSA lessons and SALSA events in UTAH, also find Latin ... Tipica 73 ' (El Canario) Choreography: Eduardo Santos and Maria Ivanova ...

Camilo "Azuquita" Argumedez - Paris's sweetest sonero is back
... Panamanian sonero who was singing at the time with La Tipica 73 , came to Paris. ... a singer with the greatest salsa dura orchestra in New York, la Tipica 73 , and ...

Edit Profile My Friends My Yearbooks Whatever I Want My Lunch Money My ... TIPICA 73 ... Uploaded by: Rico... Very sexy hot... Uploaded by: Rico... Bette Midler ...

"I was a big fan of Tipica 73 which to this day I think was one of the greatest ... my ideas for Charanson go back to Tipica 73 such as using the power of the ...

Online Salsa Radio Station - Live365 Internet Radio - RADIO SALSA
SALSA PARA SALSEIROS SERIOS E DEPENDENTES TERMINAIS Cuba: Issac Delgado Los Van ... Tipica 73 - El Celoso - Tipica 73 . Also Trys. 100 Percent Salsa Radio ...

Edit Profile My Friends My Yearbooks Whatever I Want My Lunch ... TIPICA 73 Orchestra de New... Views: 1. Favorited: 0. Embed: Very sexy hot latina girl...

NYC Salsa - The Incendiary Sound Of Latin New York by: Fania Artists -
NYC Salsa - The Incendiary Sound Of Latin New York by Fania Artists - NYC Latin grooves from the golden age of the 70s ... El Tambor - Tipica 73 . 2. Los ...

Ethnic & World Music - Newsletter 142 - Ray Barretto -> Various Artists
TIPICA ' 73 . VARIOUS ARTISTS. NEW COMPACT DISCS. CUBA. RAY BARRETTO. Fania 130 074 ... TIPICA ' 73 . Fania 130 027. Charanguedo Con La Tipica . CD $13.98 ...

Ricardo's Blog
... off on his own to form Tipica ' 73 . Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: ... of Barretto's band departed to found Tipica 73 . He appeared on three of their ...

Amoeblog > 2007-12 > Best Of 2007, Part 7
Tipica 73 - Orquesta. Bembeya Jazz National -The Syliphone Years. Jorge Ben - Fora Bruta ... Os Mutantes, Bocafloja, Tipica 73 . Comments ...

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Latin Music's longest running and most prestigious awards show, the Billboard ... For complete product and company information , go to the JBL Professional website ...

Mexican Music
The music of Cumbia preferred by the lower classes ... melody and easy means of information delivery, the Corrido became an important ... Latin American Music . ...

Encyclopedia ... recent decades, Latin popular music has exerted ... information on this topic, see the Bibliography, section 726. Latin American music . ...

Latin Music Artists in the Yahoo! Directory
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Latin Music Artists ... Includes concert information and audio downloads. Pimpinela ...

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Financial Aid Information . French. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender ... Latin American and Iberian Studies. Law and Society. Linguistics. Maps and Imagery ...

Sala De Prensa: La 6a.Entrega Anual del Latin Grammy Ser Transmitida ...
All fans will be able to enjoy the hottest night in Latin music on Nov. 3 ... For more information about The Latin Recording Academy, please visit ...

Spanish Music & Song Lyrics : Chayanne ...
Home > Latin Culture > Spain > Spanish Music . LEARN SPANISH. IN SPAIN. IN LATIN AMERICA ... the picture for more information about the artist. Chayanne ...

SkyTeam - Events Guide: La Linea - London's Latin Music Festival (Koko ...
Visitor Information . Tourist Offices. La Linea - London's Latin Music Festival. When: ... Celebrating Latin music in all its colourful diversity from flamenco to Afro ...

Universal Music Group
... there is great growth opportunity in the Latin American music market. ... technologies and Latin music related news and information in an unprecedented way. ...

Online Resources for Music Scholars - Harvard College Library
Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum Database for Latin Music Theory (CHMTL, Indiana University) ... MuSICA: The Music and Science Information Computer Archive ...

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Learning Keyboard and Piano: 5 Ways to Achieve Your Musical Goals Without Getting Stuck in a Rut

People usually have some goal or dream that inspires them to take up a musical instrument. But after the initial excitement, its not uncommon to give up, many decide its too difficult, theyre too busy- and whilst theyd still really love to be able to play well, they get stuck in a rut without making progress.

The fact is, mastering a musical instrument is difficult. But its not too difficult for anybody. To succeed, you will need to build your skills in self- control, discipline and determination. Achieving your goals in learning piano or keyboard isnt impossible. If you started out with good intentions that have now fallen by the way-side, read on to discover how to make a fresh start.

Accept you wont become an instant virtuoso

I dont think anyone is a born natural piano or keyboard player. One of the skills to develop as a good player is to make the music appear effortless and natural. But if you think about it, playing an instrument is a pretty unnatural thing to do. We werent designed to do it. And reading music requires uses different parts of the brain to other activities.

If you think you can be really good after just a few weeks of playing, then you will be disappointed and disillusioned very quickly. From the outset, accept that you are going to have to work at many different skills. Realise that at whatever stage you are at, you can always improve. I think this is one of the beauties of learning music everyone is always learning and improving.

Use your current burst of enthusiasm to set you on the right path

If your reading this, youve probably resolved to improve your keyboard playing and practice more. When you finish your internet research, youll most likely feel motivated, resolve to pull yourself together and go and practice for three hours.

But tomorrow, you wont feel so motivated, youll realise your marathon practice session made no difference and youll have about a million more important things to do anyway.

Rather than repeating this cycle again and again, use todays drive and enthusiasm, to make it easier to achieve your goals over a long period of time. Set things up for when you dont feel quite so motivated.

First of all, decide what you really want to ultimately achieve, so that your efforts are focused. Then plan how you can achieve this. Find and book lessons with a teacher, if you havent done so already. Doing this today will commit you to weekly lessons where youll be given you something to work for. Youll also have someone else to monitor your progress.

Next, rearrange the room where you keep your keyboard or piano. Identify any problems with its current location which may be providing an excuse to stop practicing. Perhaps its in the same room as the television or something that causes distraction. Can it be moved? Maybe your practicing disturbs other members of your household. If you have an electronic keyboard or digital piano go out and buy some headphones. Maybe your piano is covered in clutter and junk, sort it out so you can easily get to it and practice. Check that your stool is suitable and not causing you back pain. Make sure you have all the sheet music you need to hand, and organise it so you can easily find what you need.

Identify anything thats going to make it difficult to practice and eliminate it, so you can begin your practice sessions in ease and comfort everyday. This will be more productive than sitting down right now and playing your way to exhaustion.

Build up to good practice habits

The final task for today to plan when youre going to practice. Dont plan too much because youll never stick to it. Start small. Practice in short manageable chunks which you can then build on. Why not try practicing in the advert breaks of the TV shows you watch in the evening- so you only practice for three minutes at a time. You can fit short exercises into this time slot, and you wont be sacrificing anything else. Once you can manage this, then you could try scheduling 10 minute slots during the day.

Practicing in lots of little sessions is usually more effective than sitting down for an hour a day. Also, youll find if you play more often, then youll probably end up getting carried away and practice for longer anyway. Its better motivation for yourself if you aim to play for 5 minutes and actually do 7, then if you schedule 30 minutes but never get round to it at all.

Accept there are no real short cuts. Be prepared for some hard work.

Some times, you will need to keep practicing certain things over and over. Theres just no way round it. If your prepared for this from the outset, then you will be entering your challenge with the right frame of mind. Sometimes things will be time consuming, but simply knuckling down and getting through it will pay off in the long run.

This is different to practicing things with no real thought. If you are working on a piece, identify sections that need the most work. Try not to over practice things that your already good at. If you keep your practice sessions focused, you will achieve much more.

Keep your goals clear- persevere at them.

To stay focused, make sure you are clear about why you wanted to learn keyboard or piano in the first place. What were your goals? To be able to play your favourite song well? To write songs and have a top- ten hit? To play carols with your family at Christmas? To pass grade five? To be in a position to help your children with their music studies? Whatever motivated you initially, dont forget it.

How about making a sign with your music goals written on it and keeping it on top of your piano? That way, youll be reminded of your motivation every time you walk past it. If youve lost sight of what you wanted to achieve, youll find it difficult to get out of your rut.

If you keep focused on your goal and persistently work towards it, you will eventually achieve it.

Polly Powell runs a keyboard and piano tuition centre in Weston super Mare, UK. Her website is packed with ideas and resourses for current and potential keyboard and piano students around the world.

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Surreal - I Dream of Kimmie

As with any competition Kimmie is involved in, I usually don't watch until after I've read about the results; or I can fast forward my "Tivo" to the scores to see her standings. Then I decide how to watch that particular event. But this competition was unusual, I had no choice but to endure the anticipation of being in the crowd; part of it. However, it was still too nerve wrecking to watch.

Kimmie was the last to skate. Once she had performed, she sat patiently awaiting her scores. However, her body language spelled anticipation; meanwhile, the commentators, while the viewers and the audience were on an edge, felt compelled to comment on Kimmie's past performances, from the good ones to her recent "disasters." Soon everyone stood, wondering what was taking so long; I heard some people say that they were tabulating the scores, while others said they were counting her jumps. This part alone should have told me something was strange because this is not the norm.

A reporter came to the crowd speaking on behalf of Kimmie, proudly saying how he knew she had it in her, when another one of Kimmie's fans pulled out a recent article written by this fellow discrediting Kimmie. Anticipation had kept me from watching Kimmie's actual performance. It meant too much. However, my gut reaction was that she had won! I started to dance around, some people chanted with me, others clapped. While some glared. The scores had not come out yet. However, there was this feeling in me that she had won! After all she is a winner!

Soon after the party had simmered down, there was a disquiet in the large arena; Kimmie was being interviewed. She had regained her "World Title." It was exhilarating.

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Dancing with the Stars: Results Show 5, Season 3

Another upset at the Dancing with the Stars results show last night. Much to everyone's astonishment, Willa Ford was voted off. But in a show full of twist endings (likely a compliment of the producers), it's not all that surprising.

Willa Ford's performance on Tuesday did not strike as being particularly outstanding this time around, and unlike Sara Evans, Willa does not have the advantage of having a strong fan base. Still there is injustice to see the likes of mediocre dancers Sara and Jerry return because of their massive popularity while better, hard-working dancers are being booted off week after week.

Instead of acting all surprised and shocked at the results, the judges would do better to ensure that a bigger score gap is created between the good and the bad dancers when scores are delivered. It's ridiculous to think that only three points separate lifeless Sara Evans from dance whiz Mario Lopez. If viewers are going to vote for the most popular contestants regardless of their dancing ability, we might as well make the task much harder for them.

Despite of this endless charade, I found some redemption in the fact that Monique Coleman made it to the next round without being placed in the bottom two. Could it be that viewers are finally seeing how fantastic she is? Without a doubt, her rumba was smoking hot and impressive. She is the rising star of the pack.

As far as the results show itself goes, I am beginning to think it acts merely a filler show to grab more viewers. There is absolutely nothing substantial about it. The showcase dance pieces are looking more lackluster and amateurish each week. Often, the guest singers and vocal groups are given more attention than the dancers themselves. If I wanted to see pop vocal performances, I'd have tuned in to VH1 or MTV. I don't know about you, but I definitely smell money-hungry producer hawks here.

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Guitar Lesson: How To Improvise The Classical Guitar Way

When I was a fifteen years old guitarist playing rock solos and classical guitar pieces I remember that I had a desire to be able to improvise on my guitar in a classical manner.

Nowadays I have developed this skill and I love to improvise in the style of composers like Sor, Tarrega, Paganini or others or just trying to find myself somewhere among the notes. These special moments are a form of meditation. They clear my mind and also helps me as a composer to stimulate my creative abilities.

The most important reason for learning classical guitar improvisation is that it's fun!

If you learn classical guitar improvisation it will benefit you in many other ways too:

1. It will be easier for you to memorize classical guitar sheet music.

2. You will find it easier to compose your own guitar pieces in a classical guitar style.

3. You can make up your own techniqal exercises on your guitar on the go.

4. You will understand your guitar better.

There are many ways to develop classical guitar improvisation. How?

You can start with major scales, experimenting with easy chords, or easy classical guitar pieces. The most basic requisite is that you want to learn this art and with this desire you will find ways to practice classical guitar improvisation in all your guitar playing.

I will just mention using classical guitar pieces in this article. But how do you begin?

May I suggest that you begin with an easy melody with just one voice or maybe a two voice piece with bass notes on open strings. Learn a couple of bars by heart and play the melody over and over again and try to change the melody slightly without losing the classical touch.

The ultimate exercise is to use advanced classical guitar solos.

If you think about it you will realize that classical guitar pieces are filled with wonderful licks, more or less complicated.

These licks can be developed and added upon to give you material that will help you developing your improvisational skills.

For example, take a two bar passage in a classical guitar piece that you like and practice it until you master it and then memorize it.

Now you can play around with the passage, break it down, change it, analyze it and so on. If you want to improve as an improvisational guitarist and musician you can regard classical guitar pieces as collections of very musical licks just waiting to be used.

I hope these hints will motivate you to reap the benefits from improvising the classical guitar way.

Peter Edvinsson is a musician, composer and music teacher. Visit his site Capotasto Music and download your free sheet music and learn to play resources at

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